Talmud - Mas. Chagigah 6b

 'R. Jose the Galilean', for it is taught: R. Jose said:  Three precepts are enjoined upon Israel when they make their pilgrimage at a festival: The pilgrimage-offering and the festal-offering and rejoicing.  The pilgrimage-offering has something that the other two have not; and festal-offering has something that the other two have not; and the rejoicing has something the other two have not.  The pilgrimage-offering has something that the other two have not, for the pilgrimage-offering is offered entirely to God, which is not the case  with the other two.  The festal-offering has something that the other two have not, for the festal offering obtained prior to the Revelation which was not the case with the other two.  The rejoicing has something which the other two have not, for the rejoicing applies to both men and women, which is not the case with the other two.