Letter to the Hebrews

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For it is the blood that makes an atonement for sin. (Leviticus 17 verse 11.)
Almost all things are by the Law [Torah] purged with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission (of sin).
(Hebrews 9 verse 22.)

The TRUTH of the Eternal WORD of Yahweh God is without flaw, but the interpretation of man can be riddled with mankind's sinful flesh.  Let's again see how the these Scriptures that are written for the floundering Jew, would dove tail together IN the TRUTH of Yahweh God.

Though He were a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered; And being made perfect [through His obedience in spite of His suffering], He (Yeshua/Jesus) became the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all them that would obey Him. Called of Yahweh God a High Priest after the order of Melchizedec. ( Hebrews 5 verse 8 thru 10.)  

By Faith we see and believe that Jesus/Yeshua established Yahweh God's Eternal Covenant with the shedding of His LIFE giving Blood for the treasonous rebellion of Mankind

By Yahweh God's Will, we are set apart through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ Once.  For by one offering He [Yeshua/Jesus] has completed for ever those that are "sanctified" [set apart through  their obedience to Yeshua/Jesus]. (See Hebrews 10 verse 9 thru 14.) He (Yeshua/Jesus) became the Author of Eternal Salvation unto all of those that would obey Him.

Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dies no more; death has no more dominion over Him.  For in that Christ died, He died unto sin once: but in that He LIVES, He LIVES unto His Father Yahweh God. (See Romans 6 verse 6 thru 12.)

And so it is to be for those who have died because of sin, but by faith, they are being set apart from sin through their obedience to the WORD of Jesus Christ in the Body of Christ, for Christ Jesus died for their sin and its condemnation of death. Sin and death are vanquished in the dead to sin, and who are in the Body of  Christ Jesus.  But in that Christ Jesus is risen IN LIFE from the dead, so it will be of the dead believers that are IN the Body of Christ Jesus, for they will be made alive in their new bodies at His coming.

The Innocent Holy Lord Jesus Christ, in His Sacrificial death for the sin of Adam, fully paid the price for all the sins of Adam's prodigy.  But for all who are dead in sin,  there is the prerequisite of Faith IN Christ Jesus to enter into Yahweh God's Salvation Body that is underscored in Yahweh God's faithfulness to His Covenant Doctrine IN Yeshua and His of Sanctifying WORD  of Salvation.  For the Salvation of Holy Yahweh God is predicated IN the Holy Name of Yeshua, which means Yahweh God's Salvation.  With an ongoing belief in the Messiah Yeshua of Father Yahweh God, then there are no more physical sacrifices that can atone for the sin of mankind.  With the one Selfless Offering of Yahweh God's sinless Holy Lamb, then the One Man Jesus Christ is the final Sacrificial Provision for the wickedness of mankind.  Without exception, the old covenant animal sacrifices for sin, along with the Levitical priesthood, had been totally remitted by Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh Lord God the Almighty.  All is finished IN Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God even as the Lord Yeshua declared:

Sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings for sin Thou would not accept, but a Body You have prepared for Me. Burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had pleasure with them. Then said I, Lo I come to do Your Will Yahweh God. (See Hebrews 10 verse 5 thru 7) Take and eat, for this is My Body given for you.  Take and drink all of you, for this is My Blood of the [Yahweh's] New Covenant shed for many for the remission of sin.

Now the Man Christ Jesus, with His Perfect Sacrifice of Love that is revealed in His absolute obedience to His Father Yahweh God, has made an entrance for the faithfully saved of believing of man kind, to come into the Presence of His Holy Yahweh Father. 

18 Now where there is the remission [meaning obliteration] of these [sins and iniquity , then there is no more  sacrifices for sin. (See Hebrew 10 verse 18.) 
19 Therefore brethren, having boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus, 20 by a New and Living WAY, Which He has consecrated for us, through the Veil that IS to say His Flesh [Body], 21 and as such, having a High Priest over the Household of Yahweh God, 22 Let us draw near to God with a True Heart IN full assurance of Faith, having our conscience and our bodies washed with His pure Water of His Word.

A place is set at the Lord's Table of Grace for all of the redeemed persons, where it is here that our High Priest and Lord has provided His Holy Provisions of LIFE that make the WAY for an entrance into the Holiest Place of His Holy Father Yahweh God.

The Heavenly Entrance is into the Holiest Place, not made with human hands, for the Entrance is gained only through the Veil that is the Holy Flesh and Body of our High Priest, the Faithful Man Jesus/Yeshua the Messiah. (See Hebrews 10 verse 20.)  We are made free of sin through His offering of Himself, for He has cleansed us with the sprinkling of His Sanctifying LIFE giving Blood.  It was Christ's LIFE within His Blood alone that makes an atonement for the soul of the believer: I AM the WAY, I AM the TRUTH, I AM the LIFE of man. No one comes to the Father except by Me. The sin that innately remains in the self centered nature of our human idolatrous flesh,cannot ever come into the Presence of Holy Yahweh God Almighty.  That Entrance into the Holy of Holies, where Christ's Father God reigns, is only though Faith in the undefiled Body of the Man Christ Jesus through His LIFE giving Blood.  The disciples of the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE of Christ are to remember the fullness of God's New Covenant of Love is forever established in the Holy Blood Sacrifice of Yahweh's only Begotten Son Yeshua/Jesus the Messiah. For it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul For the LIFE of the Flesh is in the Blood.  Christ's Provisions for the abundance of His LIFE are established in the Eternal Word of His Father Yahweh God; for His Body and Blood are ministered in and through Yahweh God's Spirit of Grace that cannot be separated from the LIFE giving Water and Blood of Christ Jesus, for they are One. (See 1st Corinthians 10 verse15 thru 17.)

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Robert Glenn Pratten