The creation of man, and the mystery of iniquity
Mystery of Iniquity
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The books of the Bible did not originally contain chapters or verse references, but were inserted during the 12th and 13th centuries to help find and make Scriptures more accessible.  In some places, the inserted chapter breaks are poorly placed, and as a result can divide content that should flow together.  Within Genesis the chapter demarcation between one and two is one that has created confusion in the mind of some theologians who believe themselves to be the authority on the Word of God's creation.  There are some who propagate an error of a second creation in God's order with a fictitious replacement mate for Adam.  Search and you will see that all of God's creation work was finished after the sixth day as it is reported in the account in Genesis chapter one, but there would follow a generalized summary of Man's participation in the 2nd chapter. We will do our best to present the order of the sixth day events according to God's Will as they took place in Elohim's very good creation.

And God said: let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle and creeping things, and beast of the earth after his kind, and it was so.

Creation of Adam.

Adam, in the English transliteration is generically called Man.  Adam was not an evolutionary accident that depended upon billions of evolutionary accidents to form a single organized cell that would undergo billions of more accidents to evolve into a more sophisticated organism of organized cells that would require billions of more accidents to merge into the very beginnings of a primate that by some kind of unknown mechanism would evolve thru the eons into what is called intelligent man.  Even now, the accidentally evolved scientist with some intelligently discovered knowledge of genetics, remains puzzled as to what came first, the male or the female of the organism.

And on the sixth day, God said; Let Us make Man (Adam) in Our Image, after Our Likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. So God created Man (Adam) in His own image, in the image of God created He Man (Adam): male and female created He them. (Genesis 1 verse 26 thru 27.)

For a fast forward moment, we will go to the summary of the Second Chapter of Genesis, and witness God's finished creation of Adam.

And the Lord God formed Man (Adam) from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his (Adam, Man's) nostrils the breath of Life: and Man (Adam) became a Living soul. (Genesis 2 verse 7)

In this sixth day of God's creation, Elohim God would have already brought forth His creation of Adam's wife.  Adam's wife was first named in Hebrew "Ishshah" meaning in English Woman.  We would understand that Adam and Ishshah were both present to hear the Word of their Creator: Because it is implied that Yahweh Elohim speaks in the plurality of 'them' having dominion over all the creatures of God's creation that Yahweh God made in the  5th and 6th days of His fabric of time.

Yahweh God is the Author and only Sustainer of Life, and from out of His infinite knowledge and power, He personally and lovingly, formed out of the base elements of His universal creation, the first Adam (Man), male X Chromosome and female Y Chromosome, made He into the image of His own Person.  There is none like Adam, for he was a brand new order of Life in God's creation.  The Only Eternal God did not speak to the earth or to the waters to bring forth the form and the Life of Adam/Man as He had done with His early creations, but God formed Adam into an image resembling Himself.  When the Almighty God breathed His Spirit of Life, into the nostrils of the form He had created, then Adam's form became one with his now living soul.  Adam's soul was filled with the Life of the Holy Spirit of God, for  God's Holy Breath of Life is His Holy Spirit and the Sustainer of the True Life of God's Spirit within Adam's physical being and that of Adam's very soul.   When Elohim God breathed into the nostrils of His created form of Adam, then the LIFE of God's Spirit flowed into Adam, and Adam became a living soul in the Likeness of his Creator.

Then the Lord God told His creation of Adam/Man of the nourishing food that He had provided for them to eat: Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed: To you it shall be for food. (Genesis 1 verse 29.) In this Scripture, we see that the Lord God Elohim made a distinction as to what foliage was good for Adam and his wife Ishshah to eat for nourishment.  The plant life, no matter whether it is large or small, must have its own seed within itself to propagate itself.  At this juncture in Scripture, we would understand that Adam, male and female was created by Yahweh God to be vegetarians.

And God saw everything that He had created, and behold it was very good.
And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

We will see in the following 2nd Chapter, a summary, of the events in the sixth day of God's very good creation of Man.  Then, in the 3rd Chapter of Genesis, we witness the rebellious fall of Adam and his wife Ishshah through the cunning of Satan.

Man's arbitrary insertion markings, referencing a change from the first to the second chapter of Genesis, can truncate the whole of the beginning message of the Eternal God's days of His creation. When the noted 2nd chapter delineation is removed, then we are able to discern that chapter 2 is a summary with generalized clarifications of events in Genesis chapter one. Witness in the first sentence of chapter two that the beginning word Thus is overlooked as well as all of the following conjunctions of the English word 'and' that are found in the 2nd chapter.

2nd Chapter Summary of the Sixth Day of  God's Creation,

'Thus' the heavens and earth were finished, and all the host (angelic beings) of them. 
And on the Seventh day Elohim ended His work, which He had made.
And He rested on the seventh day from all His work, which He had made.

And God blessed the seventh day, and set it apart: Because that in that (7th) day He had rested from all of His work.

These are the generations of the heaven and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. (See Genesis 2 verse 1 thru 3.)  The day is obviously not 24 hours in our time, but is of the Eternal God's gross time period as seen in the creation generations He brought about in timeless Eternity.

The statement, "These are the generations of the heaven and the earth when they were created", can be interpreted to be of a possessive past tense or possessive future tense of what follows in the text? Not being made clear, let's just think it to be inclusive, for it is speaking of an expanse of time, beginning to end.

The rest of the designated second chapter of Genesis, is a general summary of the events that came to pass during Yahweh God's time within His days of His very good creation.  The Scriptures are not specific concerning the time within the Eternal God's six days of creation, as to when the angelic hosts were created, but God's good creation of the free thinking arch-angel Lucifer was among the host of heaven.

Elohim, the Almighty God, initially created Adam/Man male X Chromosome and female Y Chromosome into His Image, and then breathed into Adam/Man the Spirit of His Holy Likeness. 

2nd Chapter of Genesis

"These are the generations of the heaven and the earth when they were created",

In the time that the Lord God had made the earth and the heavens, He had not yet planted the herbs of the field nor the trees bearing fruit, for He had not caused it to rain on the earth
And there was no Man to till the ground.
And the Lord God formed Man (Adam) from the
dust of the ground, and breathed into his (Adam, Man's) nostrils the breath of Life: and Man Adam became a Living soul. (Genesis 2 verse 7)
And the Lord God planted a Garden East ward in Eden. There He put Adam, whom He had created, to observe the work of His Lord God Almighty.
And a river went out of Eden to water the Garden.
And the river parted and formed 4 heads; The Pison, the Gihon, the Hiddekel, and the Euphrates.

And the Lord God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to dress it to keep it.
And the Lord God commanded Adam saying: Of every tree of the Garden you may freely eat: But the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you shall not eat of it, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.
(Genesis 2 verse 16 thru 17.) 

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was the one tree in the garden that did not have its own seed, therefore it had no life within itself that could bring forth life of itself.  This one tree in the Garden was the only tree of its kind, and the fruit it produced lacked life within itself to reproduce itself.  Therefore Elohim declared that the fruit of this tree was not fit for Adam's consumption. For protection, the Lord God Almighty, instructed Man to completely avoid the tree.

And the Lord God Said: It is not good that Adam should be alone. I will make him a help mate.
And out of the ground the Lord God created every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them:
And whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the "name" [shem] thereof. but there was not a help mate for Adam.
(See Genesis 2 verse 18 thru 20.)

It would appear that the Almighty and all knowing God had no need to name the creatures of His creation that He then brought before Adam for Man to name: For Elohim, the Creator of time, already knew what Adam would call or name the creatures.  Also having made Adam, male and female, He knew the mate He would create for Adam.

Creation of Ishshah Woman

At the appropriate time in the 6th day of creation, Elohim took from Adam's side, a part of Adam's genetic flesh a rib, and then with the female genetic portion, God created Woman with XX Chromosomes.  

And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He [the Lord God] took one of his [Adam's] ribs, and closed up the flesh: And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from Man [Adam], made He Woman (Ishshah), and brought her unto Man [Adam].
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman (Ishshah), because she was taken out of man (ish-.

Take immediate notice that Adam, in concert with his Creator's naming of His female creation, also named the new formed person 'Ishshsh', for Ishshah was Adam's Wife by name  We ignorantly speak of Ishshah as woman that is the English transliteration of her true Hebrew name of Ishshah.

Therefore shall a man (ish) leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife (Ishshah): and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, and Adam (Man) and Ishshah (his wife) were not ashamed. (See Genesis 2 verse 21 thru 24.)

Note: Sin brings shame to mankind, and Adam and Ishshah, man and wife, in the beginning were not ashamed of their nakedness, for they were one flesh, that is until they rebelled against Elohim and then tried to clothe their nakedness with fig leaves.  It should be understood that during this time the female of Adam was not called Eve until after Man's rebellion against God their Maker and then they were forced from the Garden of Eden.

The Infinite all-knowing God is not impersonal with His creation of Adam, male and female, for Elohim personally named the male 'Adam', and the female from Adam, He personally named 'Ishshah'.  The name Adam has a translated meaning in English as Man, and the name Ishshah has a translated meaning in English as Woman.  So then, the Hebrew Scriptures of Genesis would remain constant in its reference to Adam as a person of God's affection, and so it is with God's affection for Ishshah.  As with His creation of Adam meaning Man, so then Elohim would maintain the same intimacy of His creation when He first called the genetic female, Ishshah meaning Woman.  With redundancy we again repeat for emphasis that the first man of God's creation was called by his name of Adam, and likewise the first woman was called by her name Ishshah.

Unfortunately, in man's 16th century analysis of the beginnings of Genesis, the generic KJV English words of 'the woman' or 'a woman' has become the norm in the various  prejudiced translations by man that creates confusion in humankind's understanding of the Seed of Woman/Ishshah that would crush the head of the evil one. 

The articles "the" and "a" are not in this Hebrew scripture, and their insertions in the interpreted text 'the' woman or 'a' woman', are dismissive to the pure genetic seed of Ishshah, and the pure, original female genetics of God's good creation that was taken from the side of the first Man named Adam.  This beginning narrative in Genesis is a prelude to the very last Adam, crucified before the foundation of the world, Who will be born in time of the genetic flesh (seed) of Ishshah that is carried forth by the daughters of God's Hebraic people from the first Adam.   God's creation of the original genetics of Adam will come to be in the ovum of Mary, the very last daughter of Adam's race.  The virgin Mary would carry in her ovaries, God's promised genetic seed, for the Spirit of Father God Almighty would conceive His Word in a chased ovum of Hebrew decent, to be born Immanuel.  For Jesus was born the Son of Man, through Mary's flesh,  and the only begotten Son and Christ of God, would be known as 'God with us'.

At this point in the narrative of chapter one of Genesis, God's creation of Man/Adam, male XY and female XX chromosomes, were already present in the Garden as a couple of one flesh, and God blessed them and said unto them: Be fruitful, and multiply 'to fill' the earth and subdue it. The English words 'to fill' is more correct rather than the KJV transliterated word 'replenish' that implication may breed confusion. (See Genesis 1 verse 27 thru 28.) Logically, there must be the male and female paired together to be able to multiply and to fill the earth with their fruitfulness.  And when God had finished His Garden instructions to Adam, then God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. (Genesis 1 verse 31.)

Note: We relate to this storied account as that of Adam and Eve, but Adam first called his mate the name of 'Ishshah' having an English carry over name of Woman, and then after their failures in obedience to Elohim, Man and Woman  were removed from the Garden of Eden.  It was at this time that Adam would change the name of his wife Ishshah to that of Eve (Chavvah), having a meaning of 'life' or 'living'. The meaning of Eve's new name is more than appropriate, for not only will the life of all of mankind come from her genetics, but also the Sacrificial LIFE of God's only Begotten Son.

Current science, in the genome of mankind, has revealed that women alone, carry a reproducible circular organelle called mitochondria within their XX Chromosomes. This small organelle from the DNA of women, or the females of all kinds, is the dynamic powerhouse cell that produces all of the energy for the nuclear cells in the body.  The DNA that Mitochondria produces (mtDNA) is more subject to multiple mutations than the DNA of the body cells, and the mtDNA can affect the function of the genome of mankind. It is for this reason that the Creator of Man, removed from Adam the female portion of Man's own genomics, and made Woman/Ishshah with the perfection of the whole Woman, containing within her, the unadulterated energy making mitochondria of the Almighty's creation.  Yahweh God's original creation of Man, male and female was of wonderful  design, and the genetic Son of the first Adam, Jesus Christ, of absolute necessity would be of the same genetics of Adam before sin entered into his body.  The genetics of Ishshah/Woman was removed in the perfect order of her creation by God, and God would maintain the genetic order of the first woman, named Ishshah throughout the generations of Man until God's Spirit would impregnate the ovum of the Hebrew virgin Mary.

The Beginnings of the Mystery of Iniquity.

The 3rd Chapter of the Book of Genesis reveals the circumstances of the fall of Man in the Garden, for they, male and female, fell into the clutches of Satan.

In the Garden of Eden we found out that our first parents Adam and Woman/Ishshah were put in charge of the Garden, and were free to participate in all of which was good, especially of the Tree of Life that was in the mist of the Garden of Eden.  However, as you know, there was the one exception or condition!  For the LORD God commanded Adam, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die." (Genesis 2 verse 16 thru 17.) (NKJV.) 

Now we see in the Garden setting, that there were three individuals, who knew the command and the authority of God.  Adam is in the midst of the Garden with his wife Ishshah/Woman, where she becomes engaged in conversation with the wondrous speaking serpent that is intertwined in the the branches of  the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. 

The serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field, of which the LORD God had made. The serpent said unto Ishshah: Has God said, You shall not eat of every tree in the Garden?
And Ishshah replied: We may eat of the fruit of the all trees of the Garden, but the one tree in the midst of the Garden, God said, you shall not eat of it, not touch it lest you die.

And he (Satan the wise serpent) said to Ishshah/Woman: You shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3 verse 1 thru 3.)

This is the very first time that Man, the male with his female, begins to hear the subtlety in the questioning of God's Authority and Word.  Satan, the author of sin and death, is in the subtle form of a talking serpent.  This serpent was a beastly creature that God did not create to be in His Garden of Eden.  The corrupted Satan, in the form of a super intelligent talking serpent, challenges Ishshah/Woman with his implied devilish question: "Did God really mean what He Said ---?"

Ishshah/Woman, no doubt, seeing and hearing her perception of a common serpent being able to speak with wisdom, is enchanted with the prospect of receiving greater wisdom and knowledge for herself, and then being made equal with God. 

So when Woman/Ishshah saw that the tree was good for food, and (saw) that it was pleasant to the eyes, and (saw) a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate.  She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. (Genesis 3 verse 4 thru 6. NKJV.) 

Adam and his wife Ishshah, in self contemplation, began to have their eyes of self desire opened, while listening to the beguiling words of the serpent, whose physical being was intertwined with that Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.

With their eating of the forbidden fruit, the eyes of both Adam and Ishshah were fully opened, as they became aware of their nakedness and became exceedingly ashamed of their actions: For indeed they became mentally locked into the knowledge of their naked sin against their Maker. They both lusted for power as that of gods, and now lust had become one with them.  Adam and Ishshah tried to cover their nakedness with fig leaves, but were encountered with the TRUTH of their Maker. The all-knowing God called to His creation of Man: Where are you Adam? The shame of their sin of rebellion against their God, caused then both to deny their own accountability. Adam placed an expanded blame on Ishshah and God:

And Man said:  Ishshah, Woman, You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.

While Adam's wife Ishshah placed blame on the serpent. (See Genesis 3 verse 6 thru 13).

And Ishshah, Woman said: The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty cannot change in His Holiness, for the Almighty God will be Eternally perfect IN His Judgments, Justice and IN the very nature of His Person of Good Will toward Man.

And the Lord God said unto the serpent: Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field, and upon your belly shall you crawl eating dust all the days of your life.

Then the Lord God made known in the hearing of Adam and Ishshah/Woman, of His ultimate Provision against evil, when He stated to Satan:

I will put enmity between you and [the] Ishshah/Woman, and between thy seed, and her Seed: and it (that Seed) will crush your head, and thou shall bruise His Heel

To Ishshaw, the Lord God said to her, that in her conception she would bring forth children in pain, but her desire would remain with her husband Adam. (See Genesis 3 verse16)

The Lord God Almighty finished speaking directly to Adam when He told Adam of His Judgment against his rebellion: Because you listened to the voice of Ishshah, and not My Voice, then cursed is the ground for your sake.  In the sweat of your efforts, you shall eat of the thorns and the thistles from the earth, until you return to the ground: For you are dust and to dust you shall return. (See Genesis 3 verse17)

And Adam called his wife (Ishshah) her new name of Eve, because she would be the mother of all living.
The Lord God then clothed the nakedness of Adam and his wife Eve with coats of skins. (See Genesis 3 verse 20 thru 21).

God gave one warning Command to Adam too prevent them from self serving idolatry: But Adam and his wife's contemplated together their same desire, and they willfully rebelled against the Will of God.  Forsaking the good Will of their Maker, then death and corruption would take command of their lives and all of their offspring producing mankind. God's Likeness, being the LIFE giving Spirit of Holy Lord God Almighty, was spurned in their rebellion, and departed from Adam, male and female, leaving them to be their own rulers, deciding for themselves what is good or what is evil.  Now without God's Holy Spirit of LIFE, the first Adam, Man, male and female, became their own little god's deciding for themselves a mixture of what is good and what is evil. The Wisdom of God was ignored by Man, for when Adam rebelled against His Maker, he exchanged true Life for sin and death.  Now death came to Adam and to all of his genetic prodigy: For all of mankind, like their father Adam, were made to be rebellious sinners with a death sentence chained to them.

And the Lord God said: Behold Adam, Man, has become as one of us knowing good and evil.
And now, less Adam should eat of the Tree of LIFE and live forever, God drove them from the Garden, to work and eat of the fruit of their own making.
And the Lord God placed a cherubim with a flaming Sword, in the East of the Garden, to protect the WAY of the Tree of LIFE.
(See Genesis 3 verse 22 thru 24).

After Adam's rebellion to the God of the Living, all of humanity will come into this world with a nature corrupted by the will of sin.  The physical corruption of sin's desires will continue to pursue humanity until the very end. The will of sin, is centered on self being first, and this idolatrous disposition of man is at war with the ultimate good and Perfect Will of the only Creator Elohim, the Author and Life Sustainer of His creation.  With man choosing the will of self being first, God in His infinite holiness, imposes an absolute quarantine upon Adam and his wife Ishshah, as they are expelled from Eden and the right to God's Tree of Life.

The final rendering of Satan's challenging statement is that, "Man, male and female, with their acquired knowledge does not need God, and without the Eternal God, then Man as a god, can by his own sampling and self-enlightened wisdom, can determine and proclaim what is good and what is evil and acceptable in their own sight". In other words, every man, both male and female, would be right in their own eyes, and man-god can decree that there are no absolute rights or wrongs. 

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness: Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! (Isaiah 5 verse 20 thru 21.) Whoever rewards evil for good, evil will not depart from his house.  The beginning of strife is like releasing water; Therefore stop contention before a quarrel starts.  He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just; both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD. (Proverbs 17 verse 13 thru 15. NKJV.)

Faith, in the only God of the Living, was broken off in Adam's treasonous rebellion, and the LIFE giving Spirit of Holy God departed from Man.  Now, each individual of humanity walks alone, apart from the council of Almighty God's Spirit of Holiness, embroiled in confusion with in their own judgmental insight of good and evil. (See 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 7.) There is no life for Man without Holy God's Spirit of LIFE.

The first Adam or Man, was of the earth, and within his beginning desires over what he saw as his own self esteemed rights, he chose himself.  In so doing, Adam chose to rebel against the good Will of his Maker, thereby spurning a son's intimacy with the God of the Living, and obviously forfeiting a right standing with the Eternal God, Who is Life Himself.  Even though Adam was forewarned by God about the death that was hidden in the forbidden fruit, nevertheless Adam, from the moment that he chose to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, was participating in the evil choice of his own death.   Adam, along with his wife Ishshah, essentially broke faith with their Creator, even before they ate of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Their self perceived rights came to the front of their free thinking minds, and at this point they had already chosen for themselves, the right to make their own decisions about what they each, individually saw as good or what is evil.  Without repenting of his thoughts, the first Man/Adam as the head of the house, was to forsake his covenant with the God of Life, and would consummate a new covenant with death by willfully eating of the good and evil of the Tree of Knowledge.  Sin, itself had taken Adam, both male and female, captive to its will.

When Adam rejected the Word of God, even God's true conception of Love was corrupted in the heart of the Man, male and female, giving way to the autonomous reign of sin and death in their now self centered flesh.  Tragically, in Adam's decision for total independence from God's reign, a son's Love of God the Father, is displaced with self love, and that love will be fostered with self gratification, based on an individual's autonomous choices that will serve the individual first.   Everything about the nature of sin, is for the self serving independence of the creature from his Infinite Creator God, and now with a separation from the Spirit of God's Love and Grace, the spirit of death enslaves them. 

And so, with the disobedience of our first human parents, the one twisted root of that Tree of good and evil has sprung up and entangled itself into the spirit and soul of all mankind, and its corruption breeds the fruit of self-idolatry, followed by all manner of corruption that is contained within the poisonous fruit of that infamous tree of sin and death.

So mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying its power.  Have nothing to do with them. (2nd Timothy 3 verse 1 thru 5.)

For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, His Eternal Power and Divine Nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.  For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.  Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools  and exchanged the Glory of the Immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.  Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.  They exchanged the Truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator, Who is forever praised. Amen. (Romans 1 verse 20 thru 22.)

Because of this God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones.  In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.  Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.  Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.  They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.  They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful: They invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;  they are senseless, faithless, heartless and ruthless.  Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1 verse 26 thru 32. NIV.)

The author of Sin and Death, is crouching at your door, waiting to devour anyone who leaves the door of their mind open to his self serving corruption.  (God cautions Cane about the crouching spirit of sin Genesis 4 verse 1 thru 7.) Understand this: The entity of sin is a law unto itself,  and is absolutely separate from the Good and Holy Will of the Almighty God.  Satan, as sin, is in absolute opposition to the Eternal God of the living, and looks to destroy God's one Standard of Love.  For God is Love, and when faith in the Absolute Standard of Love is forsaken, then His one universal law of Love is broken, and the Spirit of His Living Holiness cannot live within the soul that is in the corruption of death.   All of self serving mankind are found guilty of sin, being made subject to their covenant agreement with death's final corruption.

When the one Garden law of the Lord God was willfully breached by Adam, then obviously Adam's faith in God was corrupted with self designing sin.  Adam's insurrection against the Will of God, set in motion the flourishing of the renegade law of sin, and all manner of corruption within the mind set of all of humanity.  The door of sin is laid wide open in the mind of man, affecting even changes in man's genetic, lessening the length and quality of natural life.  From the beginning, it would appear that all of humanity had its beginning destiny from Adam's genetic seed, but the seed of corruption from rebellious angelic beings would further corrupt the genome of ignorant human kind.

However, before the world was created: God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, His Lamb, that whosoever believes IN Him, should not perish, but have everlasting LIFE.

The Eternal Lord God, the Creator of all things In His time, would bring forth His victorious Covenant Word, as a Lamb slain even before the foundation of the world.  For God's Lamb is His Word and would be conceived in the ovum of a virgin Woman, and would be born the Man Christ Jesus, Who would crush the head of evil

God's Covenant Word  that He gave in the Garden, was foreordained before the world began, and certainly before any creatures would be made to exist on earth. From Eternity, Yahweh God saw that sin would come into His creation and He would make the Way for faith in God to remain kindled in the heart of man through God's Promised Seed through Ishshah (Woman).   Without reservation, this the beginning prophecy of Elohim's Covenant Word of Salvation, and in His wisdom and foreknowledge, Elohim God would bring to fruition exactly as His Word had declared in the Garden.  The Promised Messiah of God, would be conceived in the ovum within the womb of the Hebrew virgin Mary through the Power of the Almighty's Word and Spirit of Life.  The Word of God's Salvation became One with the flesh of Man, and as Man, Jesus Christ dwelt among His people, who did not know Him.  But the Word of God was conceived in the flesh of Adam and we beheld His Glory, the Glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of the Almighty's Spirit of Grace and TRUTH.  Jesus Christ, the Son of Adam, through His offering of absolute Love and trusting Obedience to His Father Yahweh God, would endure the cruel torture and His physical death on the cross, perpetrated at the hands of sinful man. 

With Christ's resurrection from the grave through God's Eternal Spirit of Life, Jesus/Yeshua destroyed within His Body of Adam's flesh, the very nature of the self serving sin that demands death to the corrupted creation of the first Man, Adam.  The first Adam, was a created son of God, but this son broke faith with the Almighty God of the living, and with the absence of God's Spirit of Life, Adam's propagating genetics sentenced all of mankind to death and their enslavement to the rebellious author of sin and death.  Jesus Christ, the Last Son of Adam, would restore to man kind a faith that is born again by God's Spirit of Life, through the Obedient Faith of God's only begotten Son, the resurrected Christ Jesus, and the Lord our Righteousness.

Let us understand within the depths of our thoughts that the natural man is dead in sin, and must unequivocally be born again of the Spirit of Life IN Christ Jesus.  The Spirit of Holy God, is the God of the Living, and He gives abundant Life to the sinning dead who through God given Faith, believe in the Salvation Faith of Jesus Christ. From the beginning of  Christ's conception, the Spirit of Grace and LIFE was IN Christ Jesus, and those IN Christ Jesus, have the Grace of the Holy Spirit of LIFE availing within them the LIFE that is in the resurrected Christ of God.

In the day that you eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil you shall surely die.  Adam and Ishshah would perish within the expanse of the time frame of that one day of the Lord.  But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (2nd Peter 3 verse 8.) And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died. (Genesis 5 verse 1 thru 5.) Adam, the male with the female, Ishshah both ate of the tree of confusion, and both perished within the one day of the Lord.  The consequences for the breaking of this one just and holy law, given by the Law Maker of the universe, remains catastrophic for mankind, for now the preexisting rule of sin brings its consequences of death, and death reigns in the heart of man.  Even Adam's once pristine genetics would be laid open to the seduction of the evil one. But the climax is God's beginning, for He that believes IN the Salvation Name of Christ, should not perish, but have everlasting LIFE.

To proceed to the next chapter alone, please click on Chips off the old block. 

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Robert Glenn Pratten