Coronavirus --- Covid 19

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The Wisdom of the Creator has not Passed Away

The present infectious Coronavirus, designated as Covid 19, has become an epidemic scourge that frightens a world of increasing sorrows. As of 2020, there are 45 known species of Ortho-corona-virinaeare that are officially recognized as corona viruses, and undoubtedly there will be more to come.

Now let us consider the beginning Instructions of the Creator's protective Covenant Word, for He declared to His chosen Hebrew tribes:

You are a special people unto Myself, above all nations that are on the earth. You shall not eat of any abominable thing

There are those in Christianity that maintain in their unbelief that the dietary law of the Hebrew has only a ritual meaning, but in fact, the flesh of the forbidden animals were deemed by the WORD of God to be corrupt and definitely were not fit for consumption by any of the tribes of the Hebrew nation.  For those who believe in the word of man and not the WORD of the Eternal Creator then click on this Scripture of TRUTH to remove your confessed unbelief. Never forget that from the beginning of Elohim's creation, the universe was set in the fabric of time and therefore [Yahweh] the Creator God knows all things.  The WORD of [Yahweh] God is constant and shall in no wise pass away until all things are accomplished in [Yahweh] God's plan of Salvation for the believing of man-kind.

Think not that I came to destroy the [TORAH], or the prophets: I AM not come to destroy, but to fulfill.  For Truly I Say unto you: Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Torah, until all things be fulfilled in the Torah. (Matthew 5 verse 17 thru 18.)

If the TRUTH of Christ is speaking, then with His reference to a jot or tittle, the TRUTH is speaking about the 'Torah' that is written in the fullness of Hebrew letters and not English letters.  The English versions of the King James Bible and others, are replete with the English word 'law' without even one reference to [Yahweh] Lord God Almighty's Hebrew Word of 'Torah'. The Torah of God Almighty is Instructive to the Jew and also to all of mankind for His Word is of His Holy unchangeable Divine Nature. The Torah has not changed the Love of God: For Christ, the Only Begotten Lamb of God, was slain even before the foundation of the world.  The New Covenant LIFE Blood of [Yahweh] God's Only begotten Son voided [Yahweh] God's Covenant in the blood of sacrificial animals.  In God's mercy, the condemnation of sin is removed from faithful believers through the LIFE Blood of Jesus the Messiah, but nevertheless the Instructive Torah is constantly One with the Word of [Yahweh] God Almighty. If you understand this much, then when you come to our writ and read 'Heresy Abounds',  then your understanding may increase.

The Almighty [Yahweh] God's universe is held together with the Power of His WORD of Wisdom, and His Holy WORD can not fail in one jot or one tittle of the TRUTH of [Yahweh] God's Word of Instruction.  If the Almighty [Yahweh] God created all things through the Wisdom and dynamics of His WORD of LIFE, then ostensibly all of the named unclean creatures, denounced in the Word of [Yahweh] God, remain insidious poisons to the genetic flesh of the Hebrews, and  certainly to the subjective genetics of all of human kind.  The observational geneticist has recently discovered a value for the Epigenome, which was initially seen by the observational scientist as trash, but it has been discovered through new observations that the changeable Epigenome is an 'on' and 'off'' switch intertwined about the DNA molecule, and the Epigenome switch controls the body's DNA (genetics). In recent years, it has been discovered, that the Epigenome is subject to the many environmental changes including what you eat.   See the Epigenome, the controller of DNA . Unfortunately for mankind, they do not hear and practice the Word of the TRUTH of [Yahweh] God Almighty, but now have discovered through their observation of the Epigenome that the genome of mankind has inherited anomalies that corrupts human DNA.  [Yahweh] God said to the people that were to be separated unto Him. You shall not eat of any abominable thing.

Now consider the following short list of some of the abdominal beast that were revealed to the Hebrews by the Creator of mankind  These are creatures of filthy flesh that when eaten as food and cultivated as such, will precipitate changes in the genetic flesh of man-kind that can be catastrophic.

The swine (pig), bats, rats, camels, rabbits, eagles, vultures, ravens, owls, hawks, swans, etc., along with every creeping thing that flies. And oh yes, we are warned not to eat certain water creatures that do not have fins and scales. (See Deuteronomy 14 verse 7 thru 19.) 

Today's science is developed through observation, but generally, the brightness of the mind of humanity remains quite ignorant of the complexities of the human genome and also man's relationship to the environment we live in.  There is only One Expert in the design of man and the reader can review YHVH God's dietary instructive warnings in these 2 following biblical links. (See extensively  Leviticus 11 verse 1 thru 47 and  Deuteronomy 14 verse 2 thru 21.)  Unfortunately, the original Hebrew Nation fell into its own extended accumulation of unbelief in the WORD OF THE CREATOR, and became a genetic mixture of other races.  The end results and purpose can be viewed in Ezekiel 28 verse 21 thru 26.

Therefore even our ignorance of the revealed nature of corrupting foods that finite mankind traditionally consumes can have repercussions on the overall health of the physical body.  The Creator of all things, in His Wisdom revealed to His chosen race of Hebrews of 3400 years ago that certain of His created creatures had flesh that was abominable for the consumption as food, and these creatures can be identified by their outward characteristics.

Those who love their pork along with the consumption of other questionable animals, have with the pride of their finite lives, questioned the veracity and integrity of the Eternal Creator of all things.  Does this One [Yahweh] God really know what He is talking about just because He says the pig is an abomination to eat, because the swine, divides the hoof, yet the swine does not chew the cud? The swine is unclean unto you, you shall not eat of its flesh, nor touch their dead carcasses. (Deuteronomy 14 verse 8.) Also consider this warning of God: Do not eat whatsoever goes upon their paws among all manner of beasts that go on all fours, they are unclean for you to eat.  Whosoever touches their carcasses shall be unclean until evening.  He that bears the carcasses of these animals shall wash his clothes and be unclean until evening.  (Leviticus 11 verse 27 thru 28.)

You may have heard, in the news of 2020, of the many pig processing plants, which were originally shut down because of many infections of the Covid 19 virus.  Man's so called science, done by observation, does not recognize that the pestilence of Covid 19, may infect the butchers of swine, and the handlers of the dead carcasses of the pigs. Perhaps, the destructive viral entities that these animals can carry, can be cleansed with washing by water, but with repeated exposure to the virulence, then the cleaning of the viral entities that violate the genetically changed flesh of humanity becomes problematic. I have also wondered why children can be born with cleft lips and palates? Is it possible that these children are ignorantly fed the meat of dogs, cats, bear, etc.? 

Do you remember the old adage: You are what you eat?  Observational science has discovered in the workings of the Epigenome, that what you eat determines your predisposition to disease or health.

To the degree that the informed will respond positively for good, is subject to one's disciplined faith IN the WORD of God, the Creator of all things.  Any discipline to [Yahweh] God's TRUTH is customarily vacated in the mind of the secular scientist of observation.   Following in the suit of enlightenment, righteous discipline is sorely lacking in the self righteous theologians that think they know the Scriptures, but in their twisted thinking, they teach that the TRUTH of [Yahweh] God in the Torah is passé because it is full of legalism.  Man is not as smart as he things he is: For in his darkness, he does not have the capacity to put out the Light of the Eternal Word of God that surpasses man's understanding.  For the Eternal Lord of Salvation declares: If I tell you of earthly things and you do not believe ME, then how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things? (John 3 verse 12.)

Many years ago, being troubled with this aspect of Scripture, I asked the Lord why certain animals were declared to be unclean for human consumption.  I heard, shall we say within the spirit of my mind, the Spirit of the Lord Say: Why not have a little cyanide?  Why not have a little arsenic? Why not have a little pork?  Cyanide and arsenic are insidious poisons that in strength can kill immediately. But, if the poisons are taken little by little, then they will slowly corrupt the workings in the body, and in the end, the accumulated work of the poisons will kill you.  Why not have a little pork?  Pigs are also an insidious poison that contaminates the genetics of the body, and their flesh is in the same category as bats and rats, and oh yes, a little arsenic and a little cyanide.  For those that are grossly deceived with some human scripture interpretations, then know that all of the above abominable creatures and then some, are deemed by the Word of God to be unfit, as in abominable for human consumption. 

None of the above creatures, should be confused with the clean animals that God has set apart (sanctified) for food for human consumption. (See the Scriptures in Deuteronomy 14:4-5.) 

In the USA, and within the Americas, there are certain people of specific ethnic origins that continually consume a lot of porcine products as well as other unclean animals with possible deadly consequences.  All of these pork eating cultures have made themselves very susceptible to the many destructive viruses plaguing the human genome.  Also, the elderly, living in nursing homes, are fed a lot of porcine flesh that habitually makes the elderly extremely susceptible to Corona viruses, such as Covid 19.  Hospitals are also culpable of promoting pandemic diseases, for in their lack of proper nutrition for the body, they are inclined to feed their patients the cheapest of meats, such as that of pigs,

The Eco Health Alliance (ECH) is a Zoonosis research firm, that was founded by its president Peter Daszak. Eco Health Alliance has come to understand that the eating of illicit animals infected with the disease, can allow for the breeding of viral corruptions in the human body. According to the EHC, there is the possibilities that even a generalized contact with such creatures, can also make the body of a person susceptible to certain viral diseases and anomalies that can shorten the quality of earthly life.  The Zoonosis researchers have knowledge of the Epigenome, but perhaps they need to better research the depths of  the controlling possibilities of the Epigenome to the over all genetics of the human body. The Epigenome is a genetic 'on' and 'off'' switch that determines the workings of DNA.  At the very least, there is the possibility that in the eating of these unclean animals triggers the human Epigenome to open specific gene markers in the DNA to be receptive to the viruses that causes continuing catastrophic plagues.

HERESY abounds in Unbelief !  But God's TRUTH stands forever!!!

Those that ignore the Wisdom of the Creator God, are destined to eat the poisoned fruit of their preferred ignorance.

The extent of man's willfulness is not examined in this article, but the writings do present a clearer view of [Yahweh] God's rebuke to those who will not listen to His Wisdom. In Isaiah 65 and 66 He sets His mark on those who remain in the Garden, situated behind the one tree (of good and evil) and in their own wisdom they continue in their own ways of foolishness, and justify the eating of the flesh of swine and other abominable things.  In the matter clean and unclear sources of meats, the wise of heart will hear the Word of God and obey it, while the foolish will conduct themselves foolishly. (See Isaiah 65 verse 1 thru 4, and chapter 66 verse 16 thru 17.)

The foolishness of those who call themselves Christian, and yet are unlearned in the fullness of trusting Faith in the Word of God, are entangled in the deceivers baloney that feeds the foolish with unbelief.

The Eternally Wise Creator of the universe, is indeed the Creator of Life, and not death: For His WORD of TRUTH abounds only to LIFE to those who will hear.

For your physical and spiritual well being, please consider all of the enclosed writings within this box. The written rebuttals should  reveal that there are several places in the New Covenant Scriptures which are misconstrued, and the untruths gives license to one's ignorance of their own physical body.  The nature of any man that is born of flesh, and not of the Spirit of [Yahweh] God, is to make their own rules, allowing mankind to rebel against the Wisdom of God.  Now man's ignorance of the Creator, and God's Wisdom in His creation, allows the man of flesh to consume animals that the Wisdom of God says are not fit for human consumption. The Torah of [Yahweh] God was given to the Hebrews for the instructions to man.  In the following 4 numbered text, we will address the unfailing goodness of the Word of God, that reveals the ignorance man who dismisses God's warnings as ritualistic tests.

  1. In the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, there are several Scriptures inscribed in the New Covenant that are erroneously translated.  All errors in the translation or the human insertions in the text of Holy Scripture, can breed additional confusion in the mind that is fixated on the wants and lustful desires of the self centered person.  Follow below the Scriptures of 1st Timothy 4:1-5.

    Now the Spirit Speaks Expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from their faith [IN God], giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. [Thereby, they, the departed from the faith] Speaking lies in hypocrisy have their conscience seared with a hot iron.  Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from 'meats' [bromo=foods], which God has created to be received with thanksgiving, by them which believe and know the TRUTH.  For every 'creature' [ktisma=created thing] of God is good and nothing is to be refused if it [the created thing for food] is received with thanksgiving, for it [the created thing for food] is sanctified (set apart) by the Word of God and (with) prayer.

    In the New Covenant, we see in 1st Timothy 4:1-5 that the KJV unfortunately uses the word 'meats',  which is certainly a misinterpretation of the Greek work (bromo) which has the true meaning of 'food'.  Also the  word 'creature' is erroneously inserted in the KJV as the interpretation for (ktisma) which has the true meaning of 'created thing'. The misinterpretation of the Greek words corrupts the meaning of the Scripture.  I should be noted that The Strong's Concordance for the King James Version of the Bible is used here and for other interpretations of the Greek and Hebrew Words of Scripture.

    The Word of God, in Deuteronomy, is also specific in the use of  the word  sanctified, for the word  sanctified  means  to set apart or separate.   So then God  set apart  certain animals that could be consumed as suitable foods, first for the Hebrew Nation, and also for the hearing Gentile nations.

    The New Revised Standard Version and the New International Version are among some of the Bible Versions that confirm the above revisionist thoughts to the confusion that is in the King James Version of the Bible.  On this apologetic matter please see the 2 listed bible versions in this link 1st Timothy 4:1-5.


    If  I [Jesus, Creator of all things] have told you of earthly things, and you do not believe, how shall you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
    (John 3 verse 12.)

  2. The same confusion pertaining to unclean food is perpetuated in the Tenth Chapter of the Book of Acts that was written by Luke.  Here we see that the Gentile Centurion, Cornelius, after praying much to God, receives at the ninth hour of the day a vision of an angel, who tells Cornelius to send his men to the city of Joppa and find Simon Peter at the home of Simon the tanner.  The next day in the morning, Cornelius sends 3 of his devout men to find Peter in Joppa.  It was about the noon hour when the 3 men were coming into the city of Joppa. and  at that time Peter was praying on the roof top of the home of Simon the tanner.  After his prayers, Peter became hungry, and his hunger was an appropriate sensation for it was then that he entered into a trance, revealing a vessel that contained 4 footed animals, wild beasts and various creatures that were deemed by God to be unsuitable for food.  The Voice said to Peter:  Arise Peter: Kill and eat.   Peter seeing the contents of the vessel, declares in the trance:   "Not so Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean."   Now we should note that, '3' times the Voice said: What God has cleansed call not uncommon. Remember the word. Arise,  and that the Voice also affirmed His WORD '3' times to kill and eat. During that time, and immediately after Peter was confused as to the meaning of the vision. [For] While Peter was contemplating the meaning of the vision, The Spirit of God spoke unto him: [and would clarify the meaning of the vision] Behold '3' Men seek thee. 'Arise' therefore, and get thee down [from the roof], and go with them, doubting nothing, for I have sent them. (See Acts 10: 9-19.) Confusion ended for Peter, for he understood and obeyed the Word of the Lord, however confusion has not ended for the church embroiled in confusion.

    Remember that Luke is the writer, and friend of the devout Jew, Paul. The Jewish Paul said he was taught at the foot of the Jewish teacher Gamaliel, whose reputain among the people was of good report.  Now Paul, like Peter and the knowledgeable Jew of that time, would have abstained from eating of God's declared unclean animals. Luke's writings, for the most part, addressed the ministries of his fiend Paul, who declares himself to be a Jew. (See Acts 22 verse 3.)  

    The Voice in Peter's vision is not declaring that the uncommon animals and creeping things are now acceptable for food.  No!  But IN the TRUTH,  Peter is to go and receive, the devout Centurion Cornelius, who represents the devout seeking Gentiles.  What God has cleansed call not uncommon: For those of whom God has cleansed by their Faith in the Word of God, like Cornelius, they are no longer to be considered as common or unclean, but redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ from the condemnation of sin and death.  After hearing the testimony of Cornelius, Peter confirms the only true meaning of the vision as witnessed in Acts 10.   34 So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, 35 but in every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him." (Acts 10: 34-35.)

    Peter will further confirm his understanding with the Words of Jesus Christ that He Spoke to His apostles after His Resurrection. And He [Jesus] Said unto them: "These are the Words which I Spoke unto you while I was with you, for all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law (Torah) of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning Me." Then Christ would further open His apostle's understanding: "Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His Name among all nations, beginning in Jerusalem. You [speaking to the apostles] are witnesses of these things."  The reader can compare the apostle Peter's greater understanding as he recalls the WORD of TRUTH that is Jesus Christ.  Click the following to secure Scripture clarity in Luke and Acts.

  3. When the Lord Jesus Christ encountered the demoniac of Gadara, then the demons that possessed the man beseeched the Lord to release them into a nearby herd of swine rather than to send them into the abyss.  The Lord gave His specific Word concerning the many pigs and seemingly acquiesced to the demons plea: Then the devils went out of the man and entered the many swine, and the full herd of swine ran violently down a steep hill into a lake and drowned. (See Luke 8:27,30-33.) The Lord of creation, had no problem with the destruction of the swine, nor of the lively hood of the pig keepers.  Since the devils needed to occupy a living body, and the Word of the Lord was specific to the pigs, then it would appear that the demons, indeed, exited through the Water of the Word of God into the abyss through the body of the pigs.  Two problems of wickedness were slayed with One Sure Stone.

  4. Please take note that there are a large number of Biblical translations, where the translators are in conformity with doctrinal opinions of others, and will erroneously insert their heretical opinion of Scripture that absolutely detracts from the Eternal God's WORD of TRUTH.  Our pertinent example is in the Gospel according to Mark, where we can witness the teaching Words of Jesus Christ. Hearken unto Me every one of you, and understand. There is nothing that is outside of a man that when entering into him can defile him: But the things which come out of him, these are the things that reveal his defilement.

    For after He had left the crowd and entered the house,  His disciples asked Him about this parable. “Are you so dull?” He asked. “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside (of their body) can defile them (with sin)?  For it doesn’t go into their heart (the very core of their spiritual nature), but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” [The following highlighted text is a heretical insertion] (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.)  Again please note, the very last highlighted words, set in parentheses, are bogus and are a heretical insertion into Scripture that suits the avarice mind within the natural body of man.  (See Mark 7:17-19.) And He said: That which comes out of man this is what defiles the man: For within and out of the heart of men, proceeds evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within the heart and defile the man. (See Mark 7:20-23.)

    Beware of all excesses: The Eternal Salvation WORD of God never did sanctify the unclean animals, such as pigs, rats and bats, etc to be ordained as foods for mankind's consumption. Here the admonishment of the TRUTH of the Word of God:  Think not that I AM come to destroy the Law (Torah), or the prophet, I AM not come to destroy, but to fulfill.  Truly I say unto you: Till heaven and earth pass, then not one jot or tittle shall pass from the (Instructions of the) Torah until all things be fulfilled. Therefore, whosoever shall break one of these least commandments (precepts), and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven: But whosoever shall do and teach the commandments (precepts), the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of heaven. (See Matthew 5:17-19.)



It is impossible for finite man to abrogate the TRUTH of the Unchangeable Holiness of the Eternal Creator God of the universe.  However, it is possible for the satanic lie of deception to be fostered in the ignorant mind of the self centered persons that will foolishly perish in their cultivated selfish desires.  The rebellious mind of man, will seek to establish their own religious doctrines by constantly appealing to the darkened minds of their spoon fed followers.  If a lie is repeated often enough. then the drip drip heresy takes root in the mind of a gullible person, by perpetuating a false appearance of truth. The false appearance of the wisdom from dying mankind, can make the Eternal Wisdom of the Living TRUTH of God to appear as a fable.  Now the Living TRUTH of God Almighty is trampled in the ground by the feet of dead men walking in the obscurity of their dark minds.

Satan, the unseen ultimate deceiver, has set in motion his dark wisdom to infiltrate the minds of fools, and fools will perpetuate Satan's controlling falsehood by continually repeating Satan's deceptive lies.  Satan's lies dismisses the Eternal's Infallible WORD of TRUTH, by changing the Almighty's TRUTH into a spoon fed lie that feeds the sitting listeners, who foolishly consume the poison pabulum.  After all, the indoctrinated and  esteemed pastor holds the spoon.

The truly wise will trust in the Eternal God and the Living Foundation of His Word, for in God's TRUTH, they will find in Psalm 91 that verses 5 and 6, will address the destructive pestilences of yesterday and today.  For it is written: Thou shall not be afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness.  The pestilence that walks in darkness has infected unbelieving men and women of the day. For  in the darkness of their cultivated wisdom, they see the Word of God essentially as trash, and continue to walk in the darkness of their prideful ignorance.

But who will believe the report?

Not the fool; for in his own darkened wisdom, he says there is no Creator God to judge creation. Even those who say they believe in God, have confused the Eternal's Wisdom with their own convoluted truth, and in reality are like all fools that will not believe the TRUTH in the WORD of [Yahweh] God.  They stand on sifting sand, believing that our homebred science will overcome all of man's problems. Man's conceived science can not overcome sin and death: But if the scientist acquiesces to the foundational Word of God, then the scientist may be enlightened and come to believe in the revealed TRUTH of the Eternal Creator [Yahweh] God Almighty.  Those who think themselves to be wise in this present world, have chosen their own course, and their corrupted wisdom will only lead to their own destruction.  The perverted wisdom of the earthly wise has blinded them, as well as all of the glassy eyed fools that have been swallowed up in the perversion of sin.  Their darkened eyes cannot see the Light of the TRUTH of [Yahweh] God and thereby acknowledge the Almighty God of creation.  Even so, the Eternally Holy LORD God of Creation, loved His creation of Man, and in His Mercy, He would send His Promised WORD of Salvation to the earth to save mankind from the blindness of sin and the darkness of death.  All of mankind are already dead because of the sin of Man/Adam, and without being IN Christ Jesus, the Living WORD of God, then the dead will remain dead.

Here IN is the TRUTH that is the Good News of God.

Almighty Creator God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son [the last Adam] that whosoever believes IN Him should not perish but have Eternal LIFE.

For Eternal Life is IN Christ Jesus the Son of Man, for He is God's Living WORD of Salvation, born in the true genetic flesh of the first Adam.  The first Adam, within his self centered wisdom, freely chose to rebel against His Maker and brought death to himself and to the whole of his prodigy: But the last Adam, the Incarnate Jesus Christ, the Son of God freely chose obedience and would follow the Word of His beloved Father God of the Living.  Yes, the impossible took place: For the Creator of the universe was put to death at the hands of His creation of man.

However, in Christ's Resurrection from the dead, Jesus/Yeshua became a Life Giving Spirit to all of His disciples who would hear His voice and faithfully follow Him.  We should understand that in order for [Yahweh] God to remain the Sovereign Lord of His creation, then His WORD must come forth Physically as The TRUTH in the genetic form of the first Man/Adam, and then the Son of Adam would reveal Salvation for man though the Perfect Living WORD of His Father [Yahweh] God Almighty. 

The Almighty [Yahweh] God is the Standard of Justice: So from the Beginning and through out time, the Almighty would protect His WORD of TRUTH, for His WORD had to be born in the original genetic flesh of God's creation of the first Adam/Man.  The first Adam sinned bringing death to all of mankind, for  all have sinned and will see death, but Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation, the Last Adam was given as a Sacrificial Gift by His Father God to be a Ransom for rebellious man's sin and death: For in Christ's Resurrection to LIFE, Jesus the Man, became God's Life giving Spirit for the believer among mankind.  In the end, we are to believe in the Eternal God's Righteous Justice for He would legitimately save believing man kind from sin that only breeds death. The first Man/Adam broke Faith with the Eternal God of the Living, but the Last Man/Adam kept Faith with the Eternal God of the living through His Trusting Obedience to the Eternal's Word of TRUTH.

The Perfection of God's Word of TRUTH is fully IN the Man Jesus Christ.  The Love of [Yahweh] God IN His Only Begotten Son, Yeshua/Jesus is the reason we have include God's Dietary Instructions that were written down in Scripture for the protection of the physical bodies of the original Hebrew race.  The Word of God is Perfect, and the Body of Christ must be in the same very good genetic order of the first Man, Adam.  The dietary instructions, when followed, would prevent disease and genetic anomalies from taking place in the genetics of the physical bodies of the Hebrew.  To be the perfect Messianic Man/Adam of God's Salvation, conceived before the foundation of the world, then the Word of God must be born of the pure unadulterated genetics of God's creation of the first Man and Woman. The Hebrews broke the Covenant through their intermingling with hybrid races, but the Lord [Yahweh] would over see His creation of time and bring forth His Holy One. For a body You have prepared for Me. Then said I Lo I come to do Thy Will O God.

The Perfect Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world, cried out from the cross "It is finished". (See 1st Peter1 verse 19 thru 21.) And now the Perfect Man, the TRUTH of God's WORD  is manifested IN God's New Covenant secured in the LIFE giving Blood of the crucified TRUTH that is the Incarnate WORD of GOD.  For in God's Mercy, the TRUTH of His WORD, Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sin of mankind, and in the perfection of God's TRUTH, Christ was resurrected from the grave as the New LIFE of mankind.  The first Adam/Man sinned and brought death to mankind, but the Last Adam/Man lived the TRUTH of His Eternal Father, and in the Messiah's death and resurrection to LIFE, Jesus Christ brought Life to the believing of mankind,  for Jesus/Yeshua is the only WAY to the Eternal Holy God of the Living.

The nature of corrupting sin has chained all of mankind to death, and sin's corruption cannot be irradiated in man-kind through the keeping of the Dietary Instructions or any of the preventative Laws given through the Grace of God.  Man cannot save himself from the corruption of sin that brings death. The only answer to the Law of Sin and Death that has infected all of mankind through Adam's free choice to rebel against the God of the Living, is now your free choice to choose to obey the TRUTH, through Faith in the perfect genetic Son of Adam, Jesus Christ.  The innocent Man Christ Jesus, was crucified to death for mankind's sin, but in the Perfection of His Love and Obedience to His Father God, Yeshua/Jesus was resurrected IN the Life of His Holy Father. Therefore; You shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you free. Therefore, if the Son shall sets you free, you shall be free indeed.  Although one is already dead because of sin, they that believe IN Jesus Christ are living IN Him, and shall never see the death that sin breeds.


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Robert Glenn Pratten with my beloved wife Rose Labez Pratten