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This is an open letter that expresses enormous concerns about the rapture misinterpretations within the eschatology (end times) prophesied within the written Word of God. 

The Premature Rapture Heresy

If any man has an ear, let him hear,
He that leads into captivity shall be taken into captivity.

(See Revelation 13:9-10.)

Job, in lamenting his trials of faith, speaks of the days of a man, as being full of trouble; but these current days may be presenting extraordinary times of unprecedented trouble for the whole world.  None of us like pain, and normally, for the sake of our self-preservation, mankind would seek a way to avoid any kind of suffering, myself included.  Generally, our ears of flesh are wide open to any words that would direct us to safety along with the promise that takes us out of the way of any potential harm.  The Christian is no exception in wanting to avoid affliction to the flesh and to the psyche of our humanity.  Unfortunately the scriptures that we rely upon in faith, can be taken out of context, as men fabricate a way in the mind of human flesh to escape the inevitable sufferings in this world that lies in the darkness of sin and death.  But, the redeemed believer is not to be of the darkness, but are to be children of Light.  As children of Light we are not to be caught off guard, as we see the dark days of sin's returning judgment coming like a flood. (See Luke 21:33-35.) Our foundation of faith is set in the unfailing Words of Jesus, the Christ of Almighty God; For God's Incarnate Savior of the World confirms His Word of TRUTH: These things I have spoken unto you that in Me, you might have peace.  In the world you shall have tribulation: But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (See John 16:33 in conjunction with John 16:4-15.) The tribulation of the world is the result of the violence of sin, but the Savior of man kind has totally over come man's violence in the world.

Now, this letter is definitely a contrarian exegesis to a premature rapture.  We will attempt to use the line upon line of scripture that will present simple and logical arguments against the false pre-tribulation rapture doctrine of vain men.  What this written rebuttal might be lacking in the fullness of exegesis, then on the internet, you can find other Christians, who have expressed their own deep concerns about the current pre-tribulation rapture doctrine.  The advocates, of the twisted rapture lie being perpetuated today, have made themselves accountable not only to the many people that they have deceived with their self serving heresies, but also to the Almighty God of TRUTH for He will be the final Judge.  (See Revelation 13:10.) The pre-mature rapture event, as conceived in the prideful heart of the self centered man of the flesh, will not deliver the listener from the current and inevitable consequences of sin's accumulated wrath that will envelope this world.   When the rapture escape that the false prophets have prophesied as the Word of God, does not take place as they have pitched, then what becomes of their faith and the faith of the many of their deceived listeners. 

This is a short course in the Scripture's own rebuttal to a premature rapture, please click on the red numbers in the menu that are associated with the many proof points in the Word of God that should dispel any thoughts on an early rapture.


Revelation Menu
Click on Red Number for Topic

0. Introduction:
Corrie Ten Boom's Strong Denunciation of the early rapture.
1. The Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy


 2. The Revelation of Jesus Christ


 3. The Seven Churches of Revelation


4. Chapters Four and Five of Revelation:
5. The First Four Seals are Opened
6. The Fifth Seal.
 7. The Falling Away
8. The Sixth Seal.

9.The Seventh Seal is Revealed.


10. The Trumpet Blasts with
 1st Woe and 2nd Woe.

11. History, in Yahweh God's Capsule of Time. Woman clothed with the Sun.
12.The Seventh Trumpet Blast.
With The Third Woe.

13. Abomination of Desolation Revealed


 14. The Seven Vial Judgments of Yahweh God


15.. Revelation of Mystery Babylon


16. Parable of the Sower.



17. The Tribulation Wrath of Satan
The Last Trumpet is the 7th Trumpet Blast.


18. Lord's Warnings to be on Guard.


19. Salvation through  Sanctification


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