Romans Revealed

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10th Chapter

1 Brethren, my hearts desire with prayer to God is that Israel might be saved [soteria - redeemed as in Salvation].

The English word "saved" seen in scripture is transliterated from two different Greek words that have similar and yet not altogether the same meanings. Believing that you desire to investigate the TRUTH then click here for continuing understanding of the Greek words that represent the two meanings of the one English word saved.


2 For I bear them [Israel] of their record, for they have a zeal for God, but not according to true knowledge.

3 For they are ignorant of God's Righteousness, and go about trying to establish their own righteousness, while not submitting to the Righteousness of God. (Romans 10 verse 2 thru 3.)

I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE of mankind:
No one comes to the Father, except by Me.

The following is a powerful continuing statement of absolute TRUTH that never fails:

4 For Christ [Messiah] is the end of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believes. (Romans 10 verse 4.)

But is the TRUTH of Christ Jesus that never fails, understood correctly by the wisdom of finite man?  The Evangelicals, who should know the unfailing TRUTH of God, lead the parade of confusion, giving the allusion that the Law of God has completely pasted away, and now their word is the right understanding that is preached from the pulpit to all of us ignoramuses.  Confusion is not of Holy God's Spirit of TRUTH, for indeed Holy Yahweh God is the Comforter, Who will continue to reprove man of their ignorance of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. (See John 16 verse 7 thru 8,) So be it, and so it is with this man.  The Law of God, in the Ten warning Commandments, remains open to the spurious interpretation of the spirit of finite man.  God gave the 10 Commandments to reveal sin's deadly activity in the flesh of mankind and to show mankind of their need for the Righteousness that is only attainable by Faith IN the Incarnate Man Christ Jesus.

The apostle Peter, while confirming the wisdom of Paul, expresses his doubts as to the readers full comprehension of all that Paul writes. Peter, knowing that his days on earth are short, feels a compulsion to continue in his previous exhortations and warnings to his brethren of like faith: Wherefore beloved, seeing that you look for these things, [I write of] be diligent that you may be found of Him [Yeshua the Christ of God] in Peace, without spot and blameless, even as our beloved brother Paul. Consider that the long suffering of the Lord directs us to Salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul writes to you according to the wisdom that is given to him. As is in all of Paul's letters, he speaks of these things in which some things are hard to be understood; for those who are unlearned and unstable twist Paul's writings, even as they do other Scriptures unto their own destruction.  (See 2nd Peter 3 verse 9 thru 16.) Peter continues in verse 17 with an inclusive warning:  Therefore beloved, seeing that you know these thing before hand, beware lest you also are led away with the error of the wicked, and fall from your own steadfastness. Peter is exhorting the brethren to pay attention to what they have previously learned by the Word of TRUTH and not be deceived by errant messages that could possibly cause them to fall from their solid Faith IN Christ.

The Eternal Righteousness and Justice of the Eternal Yahweh God, the Creator of all things through Christ, is constant IN TRUTH, for His Spirit of TRUTH holds all things together including sinful mankind.

For Moses describes the righteousness, which is of the Law  that a man is to do all that the written Law requires to live. That the man which does those things [pertaining to the Word of God] shall live by them. (See Romans 10 verse 5 and verse 2 thru 3.)

The possibility of performing the whole of the Law so as to achieve the righteousness before Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh, the God of the Living, is an impossibility for the already dead sinners of humanity. For all of humanity is dead in their rebellious sins and trespasses against the Creator, for we all remain entangled in the unseen wickedness of the flesh, with sin's unrighteousness having an unrelenting stranglehold in our flesh that dies in sin's corruption. However, Yahweh God Almighty, the Eternal God of the Living, is not willing  that any man should perish, but makes known to the yet hearing dead that He has prepared the only One WAY of Righteousness and it is through their living Faith IN the Holy One of God, the Incarnate Man Christ Jesus. 

Now, before we enter fully into this section of Paul's letter to the Romans, let's present several necessary reviews of the Word of God that is not entirely understood.

Death came to all of mankind through the rebellion of the one Man Adam, and Yahweh's justice declares that death must be paid for by one Man of Excellency.   Salvation from death was achieved by One Man, and that one Man is the sinless Christ Jesus, the last genetic Son of Adam.   The sinless genetic Son of Adam trusted in the TRUTH of the Word of His Holy Father Yahweh God, and was obedient unto His very own death as reparation for the sin of Adam. The Presentation Offering of the LIFE of Jesus/Yeshua, was accepted by the Eternal God and brought Peace between Man and Yahweh God. The unimaginable TRUTH of Yahweh is that for the dead of mankind to live they must be born again of Yahweh God's Spirit of LIFE, bearing the Likeness of the Creator of LIFE.  Yahweh God's One Eternal Spirit of LIFE conceived His LIFE into the Word of God and God's Word was made the flesh of Man as the Only Begotten Son God, full of Grace and TRUTH.   Yeshua/Jesus Christ, was and is Yahweh's sinless Lamb and obliterated the power of sin and death for all of mankind, who believe in Christ's resurrection from the curse of sin that is DEATH.

The Almighty God of all TRUTH and WISDOM, declared His Word of TRUTH to the Hebrews: Three times in a year you shall keep a feast unto Me. (See Exodus 23 verse 14 thru 18,) Yahweh God is declaring man's need for the Chagigah which should be known as the Presentation Offering to the Almighty.  The Presentation Offering was a commanded Corban offering presented to Yahweh God in the 3 yearly feast by the males of Judaism.  The Corban offering was to show the individuals appreciation for Yahweh's blessings.  The offerings made by the responsible Jewish men could not come from the proceeds within the temple, but were Corban, meaning they were to come from the first fruits of the harvest or the work of each of the Jewish men. The offering to Yahweh God, was returned to the givers, and they participated in their partaking of their Gift to God.  Looking to the three Chagigah feast days of joy, the first occurred on the second day of the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread, then the second  Presentation Offering was on the Feast of Shavuot or First Fruits - Pentecost, and the third feast to the Lord was on the Feast of Tabernacles.

Apart from the Sabbath days of rest, there were Special Sabbaths days in the 3 feast of God that belonged to Holy Yahweh Lord God Almighty. We note that Yahweh's WAY of Righteousness is established IN the WAY of the Presentation Offering [Chagigah] of His Only begotten Son, the Man Christ Jesus. The Offering of Jesus/Yeshua was that of His sinless LIFE for the sin's of Man kind.  Christ's Sacrifice was a Perfect Peace Offering that Yahweh God accepted in full payment for the unrighteousness of the first sinning Adam/Man.  For in Messiah's Perfect Obedience to the Word of His Father God, His Offering of Himself as the Son of Man  to Yahweh God established Peace between God and Man.  The first Man, Adam, rebelled against God His Make, and brought his sin and death into the whole of his household of mankind, but the Last Man Jesus Christ was  perfect in His obedient Life, and in the giving of His LIFE as an offering for Man's sin, He brought forth His Father God's Peace to men of good will, and provided the additional Promise of LIFE to the whole of His faithful household of believers.

It is finished! Declares the Lamb of God! 

That which is written as a mystery before the world was created, is finished in Christ's Presentation Offering of His innocent Self to Yahweh God. The first Adam sinned and brought death to all of mankind, but the Last Adam, Jesus/Yeshua gave the Spirit of His LIFE to bring a New Beginning to the meaning of the WAY of LIFE in the Resurrected TRUTH of Man Jesus. the Christ of Yahweh God Almighty.  The Justice of God is forever established in Yahweh's acceptance of the Presentation Offering of the innocent Man Yeshua/Jesus the incarnate Son of God,  and God's merciful forbearance in the rebellious sin and death that was attributed to the first Man, Adam, the created son of God.

Corinthians 15:

21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.

22 For as in Adam [the Man of death] all die, even so in Christ [the Man of LIFE] shall all be made alive.

Persevering Faith in Christ Jesus, provides the means for the dead IN Christ to be justified before Almighty God, and in the end to receive God's Promise of Life.  From the beginning, it was impossible for the Law in the Ten Commandments to produce righteousness in the already dead of mankind.  God's free Gift of the Righteousness of the Man Jesus Christ, ended sinful mankind's endeavors to prove themselves worthy of acquittal for their wrong doings.

Yahweh God was pleased to accept the sinless Offering of the LIFE of the Man Christ Jesus, and Yahweh raised His innocent Passover Lamb from the dead. It is finished, and the Justice of God is now served with the death of sinless last Man/Adam that in reparation, was given for the self serving desires that gave idolatrous power to the first Man/Adam. God's Justification for the sinning dead of mankind was an expensive Gift of His Love and Mercy, that could only come from the death of a sinless Man of Adams's very genetics: For even before the foundation of the world, the very Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, was destined in time to become physically Man and would physically die a dreadful death, for mankind's rebellion against the Creator.

If the Lamb of God was slain before God's creation of the world, then Holy Yahweh God knew from Eternity that His creation of earthly mankind, in duded with free will, would sin against the God of the Living and man would die without God's Spirit of Life.  But, Almighty God gave His Only Begotten Son, as a sacrifice for the rebellion of mankind, that so ever believes IN His Christ should not perish in death, but should see the Eternal's LIFE. Now the risen Jesus/Yeshua is forever mankind's Prince of Peace, and the Lord our Righteous, and as such, He is our High Priest intervening for sinful mankind before Holy and Just Yahweh Lord God Almighty. 

7 And he [Moses] took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: And they said, All that the Lord has said we will do, and will be obedient.

8 And Moses took the blood [of the sacrificed animal], and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the Blood of the Covenant, which the Lord has made with you concerning all these words. [Exodus 24:7-9]

The blood of animals was a temporary covenant covering for the sins of Israel, and could never pay for the sin of one man let alone all the sins of mankind.

In God's Justice, only the Life in the blood of a genetic Son of Adam could redeem mankind from God's Judgment of death.  Christ, the Man of God would come at the appropriate time, and fulfill that which was ordained before the Eternal God's creation of the World.  Christ, the Righteous Lamb of God, and as a Son of Adam, totally fulfilled the Righteous Word of His Father Yahweh God, and finished His designated course that would bring about God's Righteous Salvation Gift to mankind. 

4 For Christ [Messiah] is the end of the law for Righteousness to every one that believes. (Romans 10 verse 4.)

The Righteousness and Justice of Yahweh God flows within His Eternal Perfection, and the Righteousness of His Eternal Perfection cannot be achieved with the work of the imperfect finite man, drowning in sin's condemnation of death.  In this Chapter 10 of Romans, we understand that Paul is speaking about his desire for Israel's Salivation, in spite of their ignorance of the righteousness of God and that of sin and death,  God's Justification would come to all Jews who would come to believe in God's free Gift IN the One Perfect Man Christ Jesus. If the princes of this world had known of God's Plan of Salvation, they never would have crucified to death, the risen Lord of Glory. (See 1st Corinthians 2 verse 5 thru 8 .) Now if the Jews would come to a new found Faith in God and His Righteousness, then with repentance it is possible for the Jews to join their hearts with Holy God's One Spirit of TRUTH IN the Eternal Righteousness of the One Man Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. 

Now that the Light of Salvation has come to the truly wise of mankind, not by dead mankind's efforts, but by their living Faith in the One Man Whose Name is Salvation. For this One Man, Yeshua, made Peace with God. by giving as an Offering,  His sinless Body for the injustice all of sinning mankind, and thereby His Offering of His sinless LIFE appeased Yahweh God's Holiness.  God's Justice over sin and death, was satisfied with the LIFE of the One sinless Man, and Yahweh God raised up Christ from the dead with LIFE, and left the WAY of LIFE in the Hands of the Constant TRUTH of Jesus Christ.  Whosoever believes in the redeeming Son of Adam, although the believer be dead in their sin, that person's death is one with the death of Christ, and will also rise from Christ's death into the LIFE of Christ.

Marvel of all the Marvels of God!

The Eternal Wisdom of the Eternal God saw the staggered course of His creation and knew from His seat in Eternity that free thinking man would succumb to sin's obsessive persuasions within their body of illicit flesh. So then, before Yahweh Almighty God made the world, He had already made His WAY for mankind to justly escape the death penalty of sin, and too Live in the LIFE of His Perfect Lamb slain, even before the foundation of the world. (See 1st Peter 2 verse 19 thru 20, and 1st Corinthians 2 verse 6 thru 11.) Yes, this is incomprehensible to the finite mind of man, but nevertheless the TRUTH of the TRUTH of the Infinite Yahweh Lord God Almighty is Eternally the TRUTH.  But what if some do not believe? Shall their unbelief make the Word of God without affect?  God forbid:  For Yahweh God is TRUTH, and every man a liarFor You (Yahweh) will be justified in Your Word and will overcome when You are judged(Romans 3 verse 3 thru 4.) (See also Psalm 62 verse 9 and Psalm 51 verse 4.)  Jesus the Lamb of God says: Take and Eat: For this is My Body given for you. This is God's gracious Peace Offering followed with  His Covenant Mercy shed in Christ's Blood that gives LIFE to His people that are the dead in the sin of the flesh.

The Eternal Wisdom of God through His Eternal Word and Son Jesus Christ said to the dead imprisoned in their sins of their flesh: Take and eat, for this is My Body given for you.  The Unleavened Bread that the Lord presents to us, is His sinless Body that was given as an Offering to Holy, Holy, Holy Yahweh God, so as to bring God's Peace to us sinners. Indeed the chastisement of our Peace was upon the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now Jesus the Christ of God has become our Prince that brings Peace to our troubled souls. Now that we have Peace with God through the Bread of Life, we can be set free from the sin that so easily binds us up. Drink all of you, for this IS My Blood of the New Covenant, shed for many for the remission of sin. 

Do you really love God or does the  darkness of your sin hide the Light of LIFE from your soul. Unless you Eat of My flesh (sinless Body) and Drink of My Blood (LIFE) you have no LIFE in you.  Why would the dead in sin, not desire to have the LIFE of the Salvation of God flowing through them? But wisdom is known by her children, and if her children are blinded by the darkness of their impending death, then how are the dead to see without the piercing Light of the TRUTH of Word of God?

This is matter of Sanctification, and is an ongoing process of Holy Yahweh Father God dealings with His children that are in agreement with God's Eternal Covenant IN the LIFE giving Blood of Jesus Christ. Or have you forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as if you were His children. My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when you are rebuked by Him. For whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges every son whom He receives. But if you are without chastisement, whereas all He receives are partakers, then you are bastards, and not of His children. (See Hebrews 13 verse 5 thru 8.)

The foolishness of man, professes themselves to be wise, will ignorantly dismiss the Word of Almighty God, even though Yahweh God declares a severe warning: It shall come to pass that whosoever will not hearken unto My Word, Which He (Yeshua/Jesus) shall speak in My Name [Yahweh], I will require it of him. The apostle Peter speaking the same warning, says that the hearing fool, shall be destroyed from among the people. (See Deuteronomy 18 and Acts 3 verse 22 thru 23.) A little sin, leavens the whole lump of dough. Even the least bit of yeast in the dough, cannot be stopped from fermenting all of the dough. So it is with sin in the body of our flesh.

The TRUTH of Christ and Yahweh God is trampled upon by the flesh of souls that continue in their sin and are lacking the Lord's New Covenant restoration IN His LIFE Blood. 

Let's consider the real possibilities of the leavening errors that are propagated by the Evangelical Christen Church, To formulate their own doctrine, they have cultivated an improper understanding of Romans Chapter 3 verse 25 which allows them to dismiss as irrelevant the Fellowship Blood of Jesus Christ.  With repeated lies, these churches have erroneously determined that a one time confession of Christ is sufficient for all sins for all time. The soul may be redeemed, however, sin remains active in the body of our flesh. even as Paul discovered, (See Romans 7 verse 7 thru 12) for sin,  having been discovered by the 10 Commandments, needs to be addressed quickly in humility according to the Word of God. (See Luke 24 verse 46 thru 48.)

So then bolstered with their churches heresies, there are the many who preach that because of Christ's Sacrifice for all sin, then their followers are no longer accountable for their illicit actions. Without any hindrance by the TRUTH of the WORD of God, then the heretics market their wares.

The Apostle Peter gives warning when he writes on this matter of heresy:

1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who secretly shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the WAY of TRUTH shall be evil spoken of.

3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: Their judgment now lingers for a long time, but will not (continue to) linger, and their damnation will not slumber. (2nd Peter 2 verse 1 thru 3.)

In his Epistle, the apostle Peter reminds the Jewish reader of those things they should know concerning their great Salvation Gift in Christ.  From Chapter 2 to the ending of his letter he continues to bring to their remembrance the things he had previously revealed to them. Nearing the end of his letter, he encourages them to remain diligent in their understanding, and be found in the Peace of Christ without any spot or blemish that profane the Name of God.  However, while confirming the wisdom of Paul, then Peter expresses his doubts as to the readers comprehension of all that brother Paul writes. (See 2nd Peter 3 verse 9 thru 16.) Peter continues in verse 17 with an inclusive warning of all that he wrote:  Therefore beloved, seeing that you know these thing before hand, beware lest you also being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness. The Eternal Righteousness and Justice of the Eternal God of the Creation of all things must remain constant IN TRUTH, for the Spirit of TRUTH holds all things together including sinful mankind.

Man-kind is mired in its own self denial and will not come willingly out of the makings of their own pigsty and into the TRUTH of the Word of Christ the Lord.   Yahweh Lord God Almighty is not mocked with the sly words of the foolish, but in His Wisdom has made the only WAY for sinners to be made free of their flesh's present enslavement to sin's ongoing unbelief. The WAY of Yahweh Lord God Almighty, is IN His merciful Grace through the WAY of Faith in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, the Righteous Genetic Son of Man, Whom Yahweh raised from sin's death.  The LIFE of Christ is available to all that repent of their foolish wickedness and believe that the Righteous God of the Living raised the innocent Man Christ Jesus from sin's death. Misconception in the reading of the beginnings of Romans Chapter 10 reinforces the error in Romans Chapter 3, and also in man's self interpreted reading of the Letter to the Hebrews. 

If we correctly read Romans 3 verse 25 then we would understand in our Faith IN Christ Jesus our Savior that our 'past sins' are completely dissolved in the LIFE Blood of Jesus Christ, as if they had never happened.   The Word 'IN' is a primary preposition denoting a fixed position (in place, time or state), and by implication is instrumentality (medially or constructively) in a relationship of rest. Now the faithful person, being dead because of their sins in the past, has a new beginning IN the LIKENESS (Spirit) of the Last Adam, Jesus Christ, and the responsible new creature IN Christ will seek to live as Christ's Spirit of TRUTH directs them IN to a position of rest that is IN the LIFE of the Lord Christ Jesus. 

For [Yahweh] God so Loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believes 'IN Him' [even though the believer be dead] should not perish, but have everlasting LIFE. (John 3 verse 16.)
For IN Him we live and move and have our being, for we are also His offspring [IN the Living Christ]
.  If we are the offspring of the only Eternal God of LIFE, then how is it that we trust in our own word, rather than the Word of the Eternal God? (See Proof Acts 17 verse 28 thru  31.) In times past, God overlooked the ignorance of man as to Who He is in TRUTH, but now He Commands all men everywhere to repent, [from their idolatrous mind that breeds death].

Let's continue to investigate Paul's writings in Romans Chapter 10 and discover the TRUTH of the Word of God that is delivered to us for our instruction.  To begin with it should be understood that Paul's writings in Chapter 10 of Romans is alluding to the Scriptures that we would find in the now designated Deuteronomy 30 verse 6 thru 20. At the time of Paul's writings it would have been extremely difficult to address the Hebrew or Greek Scriptures that were written line upon line without man's inserted references.  Of necessity Paul would begin his thoughts based on Scripture and would write: As it is written.  The inserted chapter and verse references were not added until more that a thousand years after the birth, crucifixion death and resurrection of the Christ of God. Although the Scriptures in Deuteronomy were not specifically addressed in his writings in Romans Chapter 10, we will attend to the Scriptures in Deuteronomy  and other Scriptures that are alluded to with the words: As it is written.  Sixteen times in the King James version of the Bible the words; It is written", are found, and always the words are addressing the Word of God in the Jewish Scriptures.  Paul never declared the Law to be null and void, but writes that we establish the good, holy and just Law.

 In the continuing apologetics, the English text in Romans and other written Scriptures will continue in this color of white, while the Script for Deuteronomy will be in this gold color,

It is finished! Declares the Lord our Righteousness.

4 For Christ (Messiah) is the end of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believes [IN Christ Jesus the First and the Last Word of God]. (Romans 10 verse2 thru 3)

The fool will question the Eternal Wisdom of the Word of God, but the Righteous Word of God was Eternally established as the Almighty God's Lamb slain even before the foundation of the World, and was finished in Yahweh's time with the crucifixion death of Jesus Christ.  Any questioning of the Righteousness of God Almighty came to an end when the Last Man/Adam, Jesus the Christ of God, innocently died for the sin of first Adam, and thereby established Peace between mankind and mankind's Creator God.  Then, all was eternally finalized when Yahweh God Resurrected to LIFE His Righteous Lamb, Yeshua haMashiach, the innocent Christ of God, for He became Yahweh God's Word of Sanctification for the sins committed in the flesh of believing mankind.

For Moses describes the righteousness, which is of the Law (meaning that which is established) that a man is to do all that the written Law requires to live. That the man which does those things (pertaining to the Word of God) shall live by them. (See Romans 10 verse 5 and verse 2 thru 3.)

The possibility of performing the whole of the Law to achieve righteousness, is an impossibility for the already declared dead sinners of humanity.  But the WAY of Righteousness is in the living Faith IN the Holy One of God, Who said: Take and eat, for this is My Body given for you.  Drink all of you, for this IS My Blood of the New Covenant, shed for many for the remission of sin.  Unless you Eat of My flesh (Body) and Drink of My Blood (LIFE) you have no LIFE in you.  Why would the dead in sin, not desire to have the LIFE of the Salvation of God flowing through them?

The Scripture in verse 5 was not presenting a negative denial against the instructions of the Torah or the 10 Commandments of God, for previously Paul in his writings to the Romans had negated the possibility: Do we then make void the Law (in Commandments), God forbid: For indeed, we establish, the Good, Holy and Just Laws.  (See Romans  3 verse 30 thru 32, and Chapter 7 verse 9 thru 12.)

Therefore the Law of God did not come to an end, as some have falsely alleged, but any righteousness that was thought to have been attributed to the Law of God, ceased to be the way to attain  to God's Righteous Standard IN Christ Jesus. Indeed, all of mankind have sinned and are dead, and without accessing God's Grace in Jesus Christ, the dead will remain dead.

As we can see, Paul had already presented a positive affirmation for the continuing existence for the Word of God that gives dire warnings in the Ten Commandments so we would avoid unseen sin that brings death.  The Ten Commandments will remain steadfast because they continue to warn of sin's dominion of death.   Without the spiritual warning Law of God in the 10 Commandments, Paul would not know that he had sinned, and would not have deductively discovered that apart from the 10 Commandments, there was another unseen spiritual Law of Sin that kills humanity. Please review in Romans Chapter 7, the unseen Law of Sin and Death that condemns all of humanity to death.  The Commandments of God remains the standard whereby God's Spirit of Holiness reviews the mind of man, for when sin is revealed by the Spirit of God, then the warning commandments have already been broken and death lies in wait.

The Righteousness of God is not revealed in His judgment against the sin of all of humanity, but His righteousness is revealed in the saving Righteousness of the One Man, Jesus Christ,  the sinless Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world.  For this innocent Lamb, in the flow of time, became the Son of Adam in the genetic flesh of Adam, and was the Bread of LIFE sent to earth, as the Word of God, and in our reality of time, He IS the WAY Who exterminates the corrupting nature of sin and death in the flesh of man that influences the unseen soul and spirit of mankind.

6 But the righteousness which is of Faith speaks on this wise,
   Say not in your heart, who shall ascend into heaven?
          (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)

7 Or, Who shall descend into the deep?                                  (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) (See Romans 10 verse 6 thru 7.)

The 2 highlighted sentences in parentheses (that is, to bring Christ down from above:) (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) are inserted false English assumptions that should never be considered to be those of Paul and certainly not of Holy God's Spirit of TRUTH.  No! They are man's prideful theological insertions that causes further confusion to the Word of God. The pride of man is very pleased to show forth his theological interpretations that shows just how smart he is in his self perceived justification. This pompous pride of man becomes apparent when we review Scripture in Deuteronomy: So then lets see what Deuteronomy 30 actually says in TRUTH?

12 IT is not in heaven, that you should say: Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring IT unto us, that we may hear IT, and do IT [accomplish it]?
Neither is
IT  beyond the sea, that you should say: Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring IT unto us, that we may hear IT, and do what IT requires?

We again remind the viewer that Chapter and verse in Scripture were not instituted until 1000 years after the physical time of Jesus Christ and His crucifixion death and Resurrection from the death of our sins.  Although Paul does not have a direct numerical means of addressing Scripture, as we are now able to do, but he will continually draw from the Hebrew Scriptures for proof text, even as he writes: "It is written".

But 'Alla' what does it say? (Speaking of Scripture.)
           The Word is 1nigh to you, even 2in your mouth, and 3in your heart.

Paul  is posing a rhetorical question to the Roman reader, and supplies the answer with Scripture.  But where does Paul get the Scripture?  God's Word is consistent from Eternity, and His TRUTH to Paul's question in verse 8, is settled in Deuteronomy chapter 30:

14 For the Word is 1nigh unto you, 2in your mouth, and 3in your heart, that you may do it. (Deuteronomy 30 verse 14.)

We might think that it is a remarkable coincidence that both the new and the older Scriptures say the same Word of TRUTH concerning Faith IN God.  Faith was at issue from the beginning.  The Word of God does not change, but the Word challenges the shallowness of the so called faith of the called of mankind.  If the Word of Faith that we preach is not acted upon rightly, then where does that leave the inactive hearer of the Word of God, Jew or Gentile alike? The apostle James says: But be you doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (James 1 verse 22.) Faith is to be active in the hearer of the Word of God our Salvation, but if faith becomes dormant in unbelief, then faith has no reactive mode to prove its operation of existence.

Consider each of the following Scriptures identified in Deuteronomy, for the Holy implication is that Word of God was always predicated on faith.  God was always providing the end means of faith for it was always IN HIM.

Deuteronomy 5:27

Deuteronomy 6:3

Deuteronomy 12:32

Deuteronomy 30:12-14

All of the Jewish Scriptures were available to Paul's readers for they were the the same Hebrew Scriptures written in the Septuagint in the transliterated Greek Language.  Elohim had predetermined that the old covenant in the shed blood of animals never meet His Highest Standard that would be in the New Covenant in the LIFE Blood of His Own Lamb shed for the sin of Man kind.

This is, the word of faith, which we preach.
That if you shall confess (profess) with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved (sozo).

Deuteronomy 30:

11 For this Commandment which I Command you this day: IT is not hidden from you, neither is IT far off.
IT is not in heaven, that you should say: Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring IT unto us, that we may hear IT, and do IT (accomplish it)?
Neither is
IT  beyond the sea, that you should say: Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring IT  unto us, that we may hear IT, and do what IT requires?
(Deuteronomy 30 verse 11-13.)

Verse 10 of Romans Chapter 10 declares the TRUTH that is absent in Romans Chapter 10 verse 8 For:

10 With  the heart a man believes unto righteousness.

Is not the righteousness that we believe in, the Righteousness of Yahweh God Almighty IN Jesus Christ, God's Son slain before the foundation of the world?

We will see that God always desired His people to have Faith IN Him by believing in His Word.  Faith in Elohim's Word was first broken when Adam did not believe in God's warning Word to not eat of the fruit of death from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  Elohim, as it is written, reestablished His Word of Faith with Abram, who would be renamed Abraham, 430 years before He gave the Hebrews His Warning Ten Commandments that revealed death, when they were broken.

11 For the Scripture says: Whosoever believes (has Faith) in Him shall not be ashamed.  (To understand the TRUTH then see Psalm 22 and Psalm 69.)
12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: For the Same Lord over all, is rich unto all that call upon Him [(in Faith].

The righteousness we desire to possess, is God's free Gift, to be received within the pliable heart of the man of Faith, who believes IN the Righteousness of the Word of the Man, Yeshua haMashiach.  The Righteousness of God is revealed IN Jesus Christ, the resurrected Son of Man: For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with our mouths we confess our Yeshua [Salvation].

Faith is alive in the Eternal Word of God, but our little faith needs to come alive in the heart of man, so that the mouth of a person would declare that Jesus Christ is the only WAY of Salvation IN Yahweh God Almighty. The Salvation of God [Yeshua haMashiach] is the Same yesterday, today, and forever.

Romans 8 verse 1 thru 5

1 Therefore there is no condemnation of sin to those who are IN Christ Jesus and do not walk in the demands of the law of the flesh, but walk in the law of the Spirit of Christ.
2 For the Law [of Love[ is the Spirit of LIFE IN Christ Jesus, for Christ has made me free from the renegade Law of Sin and Death.

3 For what the Law (in Commandments) could not do, because the Law was weak through the flesh's willful desires, Yahweh God sent His only Begotten Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, Jesus Christ condemned sin in His flesh:
4 So then, that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not follow the will of the flesh, but follow after the Will of God's Spirit.
5 For those who follow the will of the flesh, concern themse
lves with the things of the flesh: But those that follow the will of God's Spirit, concern themselves with the things of God's Spirit of LIFE. (See Romans 8 verse 1 thru 5.)

Deuteronomy 30:

15 See, I have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil:

16 For I Command you this day to Love the Lord your God, to walk in His WAY, and to keep [follow] His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and multiply: And the Lord your God shall bless you in the land where ever you go to possess it.

Paul, in his letter to the Romans, uses God's Covenanting Scriptures in Chapter 10 of Deuteronomy to remind the Jews of God's expected allegiance to Him because of all that He had done for them to live.  All that is available to Israel is through God's Covenant that will bless Israel when they do right, but when they do wrong, he allows their own evil to reward them with distress.   Paul's petitions to God, is that Israel will come to understand that God's Righteousness is by the WAY of Faith IN His Only Begotten Son Yeshua haMashiach, for Jesus/Yeshua the Man, fulfills all of God's Righteous requirements with His obedience to the Word of His Father God, and apart from Jesus Christ, there is no other way of Righteousness with Peace with Yahweh God Almighty.

Deuteronomy 10:

15 Only the Lord had a delight in your fathers to love them, and He chose their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is this day.

16 Therefore, Circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiff-necked. (Deuteronomy 10 verse 15 thru 16.)

The Word of God speaks directly to the Israel of God, and of their dire need to circumcise their hearts so that the hardness of their flesh would be removed, and that Living Faith IN God would come to the forefront of their being.

The neck supports the weight of the head, and apparently  the aberrant thoughts of the head will weight heavily on the neck's ability to support the growing weight of our cursed failures to meet our own self conceived standards of what is good and what is evil.  We see ourselves as being cursed by our own selves and adhering to the cursed words of others. O wretched man that I am, who will save me from this body of death? This is Paul's lament as a sinner and should be ours, for we all carry burdens of unbelief.

Come unto Me all of you who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. We should be exceedingly pleased to know that the solution to our demise, is in the LIFE of Christ, for Paul writes: I Thank God through Jesus Christ.--- Therefore  there is now no condemnation to them which are IN Christ Jesus, who are IN union with God's Spirit.  For the Law of the Spirit of LIFE IN Christ Jesus has made me free from the Law of Sin and Death.  

And what is the Law of the Spirit of LIFE IN Christ Jesus?  Surprise! The Spirit of LIFE IN Christ Jesus is the unblemished LIFE of Christ Jesus that gives birth to the Fruit of Yahweh God's Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience,, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, against such there is no law (that gives birth to death). Therefore be filled with God's Spirit of LIFE, by having Faith IN the Bread of LIFE.  As the Living Father has sent Me and I LIVE by the Father, so then he that eats of Me, shall LIVE by Me. I AM the Bread of LIFE that came down from heaven; he that eats (IN Faith) of this Bread  shall Live forever.

The Righteous Holy Standard of Holy Lord God Almighty can only be met with the absolute obedience of a faithful Man, and that Righteous Obedience is only fulfilled by the one Man Jesus Christ: Yahweh God could find no fault whatsoever in the Son of Man/Adam. for Christ Jesus Alone, with His Perfect Obedience, showed a Son's LOVE for His Holy Father Yahweh God Almighty.

James, the half brother of Jesus Christ, admonishes the believing Jews with Godly instructions:

19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
For it is impossible for the wrath of man to promote the Righteousness of God.

21 Wherefore lay aside all filthiness and superfluity (abundance) of naughtiness [wickedness], and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, that is able to save your souls.

22 But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only deceiving your own selves.

For if any person be a hearer of the Word, and not a doer of the Word, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
For after he beholds himself, he goes his way, and right away forgets what manner of man he saw in the mirror.
 (James 1 verse 19 thru 24.)

The Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, confirms the Word of God that those that Love Him not only hear the Word of God, but are doers of what they hear of the Word of God.

19 Then came to Jesus His mother and His brethren, but they could not come in to see Him because of the crowd.
And it was told Jesus Christ by one of them inside: Your mother and your brethren stand outside, and desire to see you.

21 But Jesus answered and said unto them: My mother and My brethren are those which hear the Word of God, and do it. (Luke 8 verse 19 thru 21.)

For the rebellion of Israel is like that of all of mankind, and God in His Righteousness, gave Israel into the hands of those who were just like them.

Gather yourselves together all you people, and you shall be broken in pieces. Give ear all of you of a far country and gird yourselves, for you shall be broken in pieces. (Isaiah 8 verse 9.)

As much as earthly man tries to avoid breaking the precepts in the Commandments of God, he has already failed before he begins.  Our old idolatrous flesh desires to see ourselves in good light, and also in the light of our earthly companions, but our own desires are rooted in our own self idolatry even from birth. To one degree or another, we are all born naturally narcissistic in our flesh of sin. As we grow in stature, our self idolatry reveals our own failures to comply to a right standard, and our failures become rooted in more self adjusted failures in our perceived grandeur. If one Commandment is broken then all Commandments are broken, for our self idolatry is revealed by the First Commandment of God Almighty that says: Thou shall not have any gods before Me.  The little gods of mankind will determine their own will first: Now where does that relegate the Creator God and His Good Will for us? 

With or without the Law of God in the Ten Commandments, the unseen 'sin' in the flesh condemns mankind to failure, for all have sinned and have all fallen short of the Glory of God.  (See Romans 2 verse 10 thru 12.) The Ten Commandments, by their very nature of warnings, provides no remedial solutions for death.  But by God's Wisdom, the Ten Commandments of God continue to warn us to stay far away from sin's allurements that only brings death.  The Law, in the warning Commandments of God, makes no adjustment for the weakness in the corruptible flesh of earthly man. The Jew must comply to all of the just Law's demands even the instruction's found in the Torah in order to always live well.

Deuteronomy :

29 O that there were such a heart in them, that they would fear Me, and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!

30 Go say to them, Get you into your tents again.

31 But as for you, (Moses) stand here by Me, and I will Speak unto you all the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which you shall teach them, that they may do them in the land which I give them that they may possess it.

32 Therefore you shall observe to do as the Lord your God has commanded you: You shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.

33 You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live, and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess.

Yahweh God's Perfect Standard is not in the Law of the warning Commandments that fails to bring righteousness, but His Standard is IN His Perfect Lamb, Whose Loving Obedience, as the genetic Son of Adam, takes away the rebellious sin of the world, and establishes for believing human kind, Peace with God. Faith in the Superiority of the Last Man Christ Jesus and His Righteousness, ends mankind's quest to justify themselves by their own futile efforts to abide by the God's Law of Commandments that only shows a person's failure to comply. The Decalogue of warning Laws remains a standard for futility, for it reveals all of mankind's failures that can only end in death.  The Righteous Creator of all matter, seen and unseen, did not create spiritual sin and death that is completely void of all matter.  The freewill of human kind, would allow them to choose to make their own way in life that was naturally destined for failure, for man is already naturally dead in his self idolatry.

Having visited the noted Scriptures in Deuteronomy and elsewhere, then we may understand that Yahweh God always had an absolute desire for the Israel of God to live in the WAY of Faith to Yahweh's Word of Righteousness. Now, all  Righteousness of God is fulfilled IN Christ Jesus, God's innocent Lamb slain before the creation of the world and resurrected in time by the Spirit of Life IN Yahweh God Almighty.

Romans verse:

11 For the Scripture says: Whosoever believes IN Him shall not be ashamed.
12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the Same Lord over all (people) is rich (IN His Cleansing Grace) unto all that call upon Him, in Faith.
(Romans 10 verse 11 thru 12.)

Concerning the committing of sin, then for both Jew and Gentile alike, the Almighty God is rich in His Grace through His Son Christ Jesus to forgive the sins of all that call upon Him in their faith in His Only Begotten Son, Jesus the Messiah.

13 For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved (sozo - healed of their sin's condemnation).

17 But if your heart  shall turn away, so that you will not hear [My Word of Faith], but shall be drawn away, and you worship other gods, and serve their will: I denounce to you this day that you will surely perish. (Deuteronomy 30 verse 17.)

But what are these other gods whom you serve at their will?  Can it be the charismatic men that are seeped in their own narcissism?

Paul speaks to the Galatians about a person's pride  that has them believing they are something special when in fact they are as nothing, for all flesh will return to the dust of the earth.

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap.  For he that sows to his flesh shall reap the corruption (of death):

He that continues to sow to the flesh is under the curse of the Law and the curse of the law answers in death.

But he that sows to God's Spirit shall of God's Spirit reap [IN Christ Jesus] LIFE Eternal. (Galatians 6 verse 7 thru 8.)
For the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, against such things as these, there is no curse of the law. For they that belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with sins affectation and lust. If we have Life by the Spirit of God, then let us also walk IN the Spirit of God. (Galatians 5 verse 22 thru 25.)

Romans verse:

14 How then shall they call on Him (Jesus Christ) in Whom they have not believed ? And how shall they believe in Him [Jesus Christ] of Whom they have not heard ? And how shall they hear without a preacher [a heralder]?
And how shall they preach, (announce Christ) except they be sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of them that preach [announce] the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
(See Isaiah 52 Verse 3 thru 7.)

There is a harshness to the interpreted words 'preacher', and that of 'preach', rather than speaking of the one that 'heralds' the Gospel of Peace and the Glad Tidings of God's Grace IN Christ Jesus.

Isaiah 52: Verse

13 Behold My Servant shall deal prudently: He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high.
14 Many were astonished at You.  Your visage was so marred more that any man, and your form more than the sons of men.
15 So shall You sprinkle many nations: The kings shall shut their mouths at you, for that which had not been told them shall they see, and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

Romans 10 verse 16 But they (the Jew) have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias (Isaiah)) says: Lord, who has believed our report? (Romans 10 verse 13 thru 16.)

Isaiah 53

1 Who has believed our report?  And to whom is the Arm of the Lord revealed?
2 For He shall grow up before Him (Yahweh) as a tender Plant, and as a Root out of a dry ground: He (The Messiah) has no comeliness and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him.
3 He is despised and rejected by men: A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid our faces from Him. He was despised we did not esteem Him.
4 Surely He has borne our grief's and carried our sorrows. Yet we thought Him stricken, smitten and afflicted by God.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace (with God) was upon Him and with His stripes we are healed.
  (In Faith Read all of Isaiah 53.)

Continuation of Romans Chapter 10

17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

18 But I say: Have they (the Jews) not heard? Yes verily (truly), their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

19 But I say: Did not Israel know? First Moses says: I will provoke you (the Jew) to jealousy by them (the Gentiles) that are no people, and by a foolish 'nation Israel'  I will anger you. (See Romans 10 verse 13 thru 19.)  (To consider this See Deuteronomy 32 verse 20 thru 24.)

20 But Esaias (Elijah) is very bold, and says: I was found of them that sought Me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after Me. (See Isaiah 65 verse 1 thru 3.)

Paul, after presenting the Word of God from what we know as Deuteronomy 30, continue his thoughts in Deuteronomy 32 with Scripture portions of the Song of Moses.  This is where the Word of the Lord God Almighty further reveals God's Righteousness to the unbelieving Jew.

21 But to Israel He says, All day long I have stretched forth My Hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying [contradicting] people. (Romans 10 verse 20 thru 21.)

From the beginning, Faith in the Word of God was Yahweh God and His Christ's WAY of Righteousness.

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Robert Glenn Pratten